Subject: A Space for Enchantment ~ Join our NEW Dream Circle

Spring Enrichment - Conscious Dreaming and Ancestral Healing at Syzygy Spiritual School




Understand Your Dreams

Have you ever wondered what your night stories represent? Are you interested in how the images, feelings, and themes in your dreams relate to your waking life?

Join Syzygy in April for a month-long session to learn dream incubation, effective interpretation, and bring focus to both personal & ancestral healing. These methods are surprisingly simple and entirely insightful -- so much so that it will offer a dramatically innovative approach to deepen your creativity and intuition.

Our textbook for the month is Robert Moss' Conscious Dreaming, which will detail a 9-step approach in contemporary dreamwork techniques developed from shamanic cultures around the world.

Mahalo Ke Akua (Thank You, Creator, Source of All Life), for helping me heal my distressed mind. I know I am held and cared for, protected, and loved. Bring peace to the heart. Assist me in seeing the guideposts on my journey. Remind me that I am always breathing with you. I take the time to rest and listen because I trust you are speaking to me through the breeze, the songbirds, and in the small, quiet moments in-between. May I awake to the synchronicities and alignments. Slow me down enough to communicate with clarity and grace. Show me where I must adjust and take better care. I love when I am strongly guided by my internal compass of Your Wisdom. May I love and act, speak and create from it! My connection to you, Great Divine, has infinite solutions. I allow a natural, unforced, and perfect flow to meet my day. I know you are here with me. And so it IS.

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