Subject: A Pep in Your Step, a Slow in Your Roll

Fall Back, but Gain an Hour ~ That is the Message!

Teaching Yoga with Heart.

Nourishing Your Practice since 1995

Soulful, Academic Hatha Yoga Certification Programs

18 Years Registered with Yoga Alliance


Self-Paced + Interactive Classes

Online & Zoom

The Wheel of Life turns. Our place on this Earth, wherever we may wander, is ours to live. Journeys unfold in a winding, often spiral path. Thank you for being here with me. I am honored to guide and inspire this moment, this breath. Take up some space. Enjoy a deep inhale into the current shape of your body.

Yoga is a Healing Art and practicing it requires us to look, listen, experience, and feel. To purposely not run away nor attack - to just breathe what is and let it transform organically. Through your Love, Attention, and Intention the expansive sky comes into front and center. Touch the voice of your soul with that freedom and you'll be prompted to share your authentic heart everywhere in the world.

Classes are a reminder of this. They carve out a designated time in our daily schedule to meditate, move, and attend to this body as it is today. Truly, a Yoga for Mental Health practice or a Sacred Sunday Flow immediately returns us to ourselves. We greet each other with 'Namaste' and detach from all the distractions to recommit to clarity and connection.

See you on the mat, in the clouds, and with the stars ~

From Cloud Nine Yoga School

If the timing of interactive classes don't work for you, there are still bundles of recorded Yoga Classes with Erika for purchase. We have put together our favorite classes from the last four months so you can take a class on your schedule, anytime. Unlimited plays for up to five years in Vinyasa Flow, Yin, Restorative, AcuYoga, and Mental Health Therapy classes. Now at your fingertips 🙏🏼 Buy the bundle and receive access to the Fall season recordings as a BONUS!

Home Practice - Yoga Anytime
Kauai is HEAVEN

We are closer to having you! Putting out our feelers out for a 2 week Edu-Vacation on the North Shore with the Magic Family and guest teachers from March 14 - 28, 2021. Mark your calendars and set your intention for a Spring Forward Retreat in Partner & Acro Yoga, Reiki Healing, and Thai Yoga Massage. Bring a friend, sibling, or partner and join us for blissful connection, belonging, and celebration. Get your accommodations and reserve your rental car now. Specialty Yoga Certification upon completion!


Make EXTRA breathing room in your life for radical transformation and learning! No matter what, we will always be students of Life at Earth School. Cloud Nine Yoga is a SOUL SCHOOL. There is so much to apply when it comes to the infinitely interesting subject of Yoga. And even though a Yoga Teacher Training sounds so official, it is actually an In-Depth Study of YOU and how Yoga is a gift of personal wellness. Take a training - first and foremost for your own health and happiness. If you are meant to teach, you will get the call. Our 200-hr Course or the Advanced Modules require accountability and motivate us to explore, stretch, and uncover in ways we never dreamed.

This is my little with her Magical Malas

She has been weaving her Magic into every knot, between every sacred stone. 108 beads in a Meditation Mala to be worn and cherished. We have a BUNCH of beautiful malas and this time when you purchase one, you will also receive a We'Moon 2021 day planner! Reply to this email with your interest and let us know if you want a Kauai rainbow or a certain color stone. We also take custom orders for certain gems and will re-string old necklaces into new ones!

Namaste & Mahalo Nui Loa

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