Subject: A Different Kind of Wish List

Syzygy & Cloud Nine Yoga School create positive, celebratory spaces to feel involved, connected, and tapped into our purpose, needs, and motivations

Solstice Tidings & Blessings Friend,

Wow. Holy heaven, what a wild ride of a year! I find myself eager for new horizons...

Today marks a place in time when the Sun begins to build light again. Although it is the longest night of the year, from this time forward, LIGHT INCREASES all the way up until mid-June.

It's a call to root down with patience and take everything day-by-day. Let every step organically unfold. We will be guided regarding what to do, how to do it, and when. Our only requirement is to show up faithfully with an open heart, clear mind, and voice of love. The way to embody those qualities is to tend to them consistently and pray for grace.

Things take time. Usually a lot more than we think. After moving into our new home last April, I am finally feeling settled and then... lo and behold, a surprise! Our son Sammy, who we haven't seen in 2.5 years, is coming home for the holidays - perhaps to stay. It is another twist in the story, totally unexpected, yet oh so perfect - and definitely an adjustment. We are invited to bring in good communication and healthy boundaries. Change does that to us. It requires attention and care.

Are you feeling the life review, as well? Oh my. Reflections and dreams are flowing very dynamically, so it is an ideal time to make a wish list. Not a typical list for Santa. This list includes the beautiful, soulful human needs that you have, ready to be fulfilled. You cannot receive it until you ask. So might as well know what feelings and states you want for yourself so you can breathe life into them. These are the gifts we can give that are most meaningful now.

We are each naturally looking back to see where and how things went this past year. To reflect on what was lost or transformed, to see the pains we experienced, to acknowledge the triumphs, count the miracles -- these things we must remember so we can turn our energy toward that which gives us hope, purpose, and a place to express ourselves in the world, radiantly.

The mystical realms have always been so alive for me. I am more ready than ever to share beyond traditional Yoga teachings and take you on a fascinating, truly remarkable Spiritual Pilgrimage into the wonderful world of astrology, divination, dreamwork, ancestral healing, and art therapy. Syzygy Spiritual School begins a 3-month Winter Course in Astrology and Tarot on January 5.

We will explore the path less traveled and attempt to explain the Universe's magic through the metaphysical sciences - all online, in real time via Zoom, and with a community of no more than 20 Members, so we can have an intimate, safe space to contemplate our place in The Comic Creation. 13 amazing souls already said yes! Only 7 spots remain. Start your membership today to begin 2022 with a magical blessing of connection. Sign up HERE.

With Aloha, Erika ʻKealapuaʻ Faith, E-RYT 500

aka: The Yoga Fairy Godmother

The Calig family the last time we were reunited in July 2019

Calling all Seekers, Healers, and Mystics:


I have put this 12-min video together so you can learn all about the 2022 schedule of courses, the different member levels, and how much to commit in time and finances. Any questions you might have will probably be answered in this video. Please play it and learn all about the Winter Session ahead and get the FULL VISION of the awesome topics we will enjoy in the coming year.

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