We are less than 12 hours from Data Science Bootcamp. Topic: Data Analyst & Data Engineering Bootcamp - Orientation Time: Jun 19, 2022, 09:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Here is the zoom link to join the orientation https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81247690290?pwd=QkFRZmxyYUJhVlVub09sWFdTcWNodz09
Here is what will be covered during orientation -We will introduce you to the team. -Explain the process. -Distribute Zoom Logins for classes. -Basically provide a blueprint on how exactly we plan to get you job within 90 days. -Go thru the ISA contract and answer any questions.
IMP::: For Tonight Orientation Laptop is not mandatory as its orientation. Classes will start on Tuesday as it's a Long weekend. It will be around 45 minutes, and you will meet instructors and ask any questions about the content we will cover, etc. |