Subject: Friend, you'll never get a second chance to do this


Becoming a better writer does not happen overnight.

Often, it takes weeks and months. Even years sometimes, depending on what kind of writer you want to become, and who you want to lead. 

Sadly, many of us writers hold off from much of our writing, simply because we feel we aren't quite good enough yet. 

We fear we may get mocked for our thoughts, ostracized from our group of friends because of failure (or success), and other concerns. 

Yet, if we never take the chance to do our best work today, it often gets placed on a shelf of things to tackle later.

That "later" becomes "never."

The latest post is Part 6, entitled: "Your Best Work."

As I promised, I'm adding more value to each post as we go along. This one is no exception.

Please head over to the blog and take a read. Let me know what you think, as well!

To your writing success, 


Brad Johnson, 815 E Oakton St, Lot 150, Des Plaines, IL 60018, United States
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