Subject: Friend, this really is all it takes to go from amateur to pro


It took me a long time to see what the difference was between amateurs and pros.

I'll be honest with you...

While I'm not where I'd like to be yet in my writing career, I'm much further along than I was four years ago.

In 2012, I had barely written anything outside of school.

Now, I'm blessed and privileged to say I've published pieces on Lifehack, Ezine Articles, Quora, Wealthy Gorilla and soon to be Crowdsourcia. I'm grateful for these opportunities and I don't take any of them for granted.

I understand you're on this email list so I can help you reach the writing goals you dream of.

I want success for you as much as I hope you want it for yourself.

That's why it's essential to go from amateur to pro, if you haven't already made that jump.

Here is a piece I just wrote on the main difference between amateurs and pros.

Wanna hear a secret?

It's not as big a difference as you may think...

But it is essential.

Check out the post. Feel free to let me know what value you got from it.

To your wildest writing dreams,


Brad Johnson, 815 E Oakton St, Lot 150, Des Plaines, IL 60018, United States
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