Subject: Walt Disney on success

Hi Friend,

Walt Disney has at times been a controversial figure for various behaviors he exhibited throughout his career, but he got many things right. One of the things he got right was how courage is necessary. 

"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney 

Courage seems like a rarer and rarer thing these days - because courage is not sharing information with an audience that is ready to support what you're about to say. Courage is standing for a principle despite the social or cultural climate around you. 

This is exactly why dream-building is courageous. You have to be willing to look beyond what friends and family think is practical, or worthwhile. You have to be willing to go it alone sometimes. 

You have to be willing to chart out what it takes, understand the time commitment involved, and then allocate it into your schedule. Dreams take courage and they take sacrifice. 

Get excited about your dreams today. Enthusiasm is what will get you through the deepest of setbacks and the most unexpected twists and turns! 

To your writing and entrepreneurial dreams,

Brad Johnson, 815 E Oakton St, Lot 150, Des Plaines, IL 60018, United States
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