Subject: Tony Hsieh on success

Hey Friend,

The desire for more money can lead us to do strange, and sometimes unethical, things. 

Having more money is nice, but it's crucial to understand that more dollars coming in isn't what makes a successful business. 

Yes, leads and sales do drive the bottom line, but only from a material point of view. 

What's the difference between a business that can make a few sales, and a business that will outlast any economic downturn, market difficulty, or customer rage?

Providing personal value in the lives of your customers. Getting people the results they want. 

Plus, you have to do it from a place of passion. Tony Hsieh said, "Stop chasing the money, and start chasing the passion." 

You have to be doing something you love - otherwise it will feel like a second job, instead of building your blog and reaching readers. 

Use your passion to launch what it is you want your business to be about. Then, follow the people who are doing what you want to do, and implement their strategies. Passion gets you started, and proven strategy is what keeps you going. 

To your writing success,

Brad Johnson, 815 E Oakton St, Lot 150, Des Plaines, IL 60018, United States
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