Subject: This writing tip has helped me more than any other...


There's a lot of writing advice out there. And there are a ton of people trying to sell you on their books, courses, webinar products, audio downloads, and more. 

And some of them are good, but many of them aren't. Today, I'm going to share with you the number one tip that has helped me keep producing writing, even on days writing doesn't seem too appealing. 

Aim to write at least 500 words per day.

If you can't hit 500, that's fine - try to get at least 300-400. 

Those 500 words don't have to be part of a book or blog post, or even an email. The daily 500 words can be a rant you needed to let out today, or even just thoughts that you don't know where to publish. 

The idea here is not necessarily to use each 500 word chunk you produce (although that would be optimal). The idea is to keep your writing muscles as strong and active as any muscle in your real body - just like frequent exercise. 

I hate to admit it to you, but.... what they say is true. "Use it or lose it" is just as applicable to writing as it is to pushups, cycling, swimming, or any other exercise you love. 

Over time, as you're hitting this goal every day, you'll notice that your articles flow more naturally. You'll be able to outline articles efficiently. You'll spend less time staring at a blank page and more time proofreading your article before you publish or email it.

You'll notice that ideas come more effortlessly, and sentences finish themselves with less pondering. You'll be able to say more in fewer words, and you'll spend less time looking up words to use, because you'll have written concise blocks of text far more often. 

The more ideas you churn out, the greater vocabulary you'll build, because writing on a variety of ideas demands that your lexicon grows to match. 

You can trust me on this one - marketing is important, but a writer who's not regularly writing will slowly come to resent her or himself. I know this because I've been there! Haha

Feel free to shoot me an email back about how your daily 500 words are going, and I will do my best to respond. 

To your writing goals,

Brad Johnson, 815 E Oakton St, Lot 150, Des Plaines, IL 60018, United States
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