Subject: Part 4 of 12: This is one of my favorite parts about being a writer

Friend, honestly, it's true...

Writing is a bit different from all other professions.

But I'm positive you already knew this, which is why that statement is not my main point...

What I'm truly pointing to is the freedom you get to experience as a writer.

Writing is preserved speech, which is cool in and of itself.

But writing is doubly cool because you get to choose whatever you want to write about.

How To Become A Better Writer: Part 4 of 12 is about inspiration. What it is, how to find it, how to support it, what to do when you don't have it, and how to get more of it.

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Onward and upward for your writing dreams,


Brad Johnson, 815 E Oakton St, Lot 150, Des Plaines, IL 60018, United States
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