Subject: Part 2 of 12: Habits, habits, habits


As you create more content, build your blog and potentially even publish a few books, you've probably heard about how important habits are.

Well, all the hype around habits is true. It's the solitary, defining trait you need to move from floundering in lost efforts to gaining traction and actually making a difference with your work.

It's the only dividing line between amateurs and pros.

It's the sole separation between when people pass over you, and actually decide to take you seriously. 

So, that's why Part 2 of 12 of How To Become A Better Writer is about habits.

As always, feel free to respond directly to me, or leave a comment on the post if you'd like. Your input is valued here because you are the reason I am interested and able to provide such content.

After reading, click reply on this email and let me know: What is the main benefit you got out of reading that post, and what is one thing you wish were different about the post? I would love to hear your feedback, but no response is required!

Onward and upward for your writing dreams,


Brad Johnson, 815 E Oakton St, Lot 150, Des Plaines, IL 60018, United States
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