Subject: Internet readers are impatient, here's how to be one step ahead

Hi Friend,

Things are heating up with the How To Become A Better Writer series!

I'm loving working on this series, and I hope you've been enjoying reading them just as much (if not more)!

This week's post is about optimization for Internet readers...

When people hop online, they're looking for quality information - fast.

Ignoring the steps I lay out in Part 5 is to put your writing career in peril.

I've packed more value into this post than any of the others so far. That trend will only continue!

For now, head on over and check out Part 5: Optimization.

Here's to a great week for you and accomplishing key steps that will further your success!

Coming soon: more Better Writer posts, brand new ultimate guides to leadership and much, much more. Keep an eye on your inbox!

To your writing success, 


Brad Johnson, 815 E Oakton St, Lot 150, Des Plaines, IL 60018, United States
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