Subject: I hope you're as lucky as me...


It's true...

I got quite lucky back in the middle of September. 

I was at Jeff Goins' Tribe Writers conference, and it was not long before I met Camari Carter. We were both anxious about what to expect at the conference, which is why I couldn't have been more grateful to bump into a like-minded soul. It turns out we've stayed in touch ever since! 

My friend Camari is a fantastic, multi-talented blogger and artist from Los Angeles. She helps artists and artistic brands build their platforms and reach fresh professional heights with their work. 

This week, I'm privileged to share with you her first guest post on my blog! It's entitled 3 Steps To Completing That Project Early Or On Time, and I'm positive her unique voice within organizational management and artistic support will provide value to your business or website. 

Check out her post right now, and leave a comment if something inspires you! I'm positive Camari would love to hear your feedback :)

To your grandest and wildest writing dreams,


Brad Johnson, 815 E Oakton St, Lot 150, Des Plaines, IL 60018, United States
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