Subject: I have a confession to make...

Hi Friend,

I admit it - I have a confession to make... 

I'm long overdue for revamping my blog and approach to writing, yet again. 

First of all, I'm so thankful to you for sticking around as a loyal subscriber. It means the world to me you've decided to join me on this journey! I make it a point to bring as much value as possible in these emails, whenever I sit down to write. 

Second of all - and more to the point - my confession is that I'm not a full-time pro writer! Not yet, at least. You may have already known this, but you may not have. 

Now, this isn't said to scare you off, or to convince you this isn't an email list worth subscribing to. Quite the opposite. 

In fact, I'm in a unique position to share with you why subscribing to my email list is one of the smartest decisions you made.

You see, both you and I have one goal in mind: learn what it takes to become a full-time writer, and achieve that through the best possible means. 

What I have been doing previously is not speaking from the actual vantage point I hold. In the past, I have been speaking from a different - and less honest - place of authority than what I currently hold.

I have been speaking as though I'm already a full-time writer - and as mentioned above, I'm not there yet. 

But on to the good news. Why is this a great email list to be subscribed to? It's because I am sharing my tips, discoveries, and strategies in real time. In other words, you don't need to guess or speculate if what I'm offering actually works - because I'm testing it in real time for you. 

I made it a commitment from the earliest stages of this email list to only offer the best of what I've come across for my subscribers. To this day, that remains my top commitment. 

But through this email list, you're going to receive up-to-the-day recommendations of what's working in 2019 and beyond to become a writer, and what's not. 

I want to keep this email as succinct as possible though, out of respect for your time. That being said, thanks for sticking around! You won't regret it. 

For now, continue to look out for my best writing tips, straight to your inbox. I also have some custom goodies coming up in the near future for subscribers only - so you'll want to make sure you keep an eye out for that. :)

In the meantime, here's to your abundant writing success! 

Your friend in discovery,

Brad Johnson, 815 E Oakton St, Lot 150, Des Plaines, IL 60018, United States
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