Subject: Friend, what do you do when you've lost motivation?

Hey there Friend, 

I totally owe you an apology for being so out of the loop as of late!

I've been giving away a bunch of my books on Goodreads and that has kept me distracted.

Also, during the time between me sending out my most recent blog posts via email and now, I was blessed to become a Top 15-selling Kindle author! I'm entirely grateful for that and it's definitely quite the boost! I hope your writing dreams are going equally well!

In any case, here is my next post - it's long overdue!

As the subject of this email said, what do you do when you've lost all motivation?

Do you cry; scream; hit something; run away; hide; mope; pout; fume - some combination of all of the above?

If so, I can relate... I've been there before and it takes a lot to "get back on the horse" (funny for a vegan to say). 

Anyways, there are ways to beat the loss of motivation. In fact, you can foolproof your creative efforts such that you keep churning out work even when the motivation or inspiration is not there at all! 

Check out my post here for the only three secrets you need.

To your grandest writing dreams,

And talk soon,


Brad Johnson, 815 E Oakton St, Lot 150, Des Plaines, IL 60018, United States
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