Subject: Friend, do you truly want to become a better writer?

Hey there Friend, 

It's been sooooo long since I've been in touch with you - I feel terrible, especially because it's my fault! But enough with the sob story. To make up for being out of the loop so long, I am going to make it easy on you and deliver some of my best content straight to your inbox, once a week, for the next 12 weeks. 

You may have seen a few of my "How To Become A Better Writer" posts. If not, no worries. I have finished eight out of 12, and I am going to send them all to you over the next few months. 

Without further ado, let's get started. Here is a link to How To Become A Better Writer, Part 1 of 12: Writing 101. 

As always, feel free to respond directly to me, or leave a comment on the post if you'd like. Your input is valued here because you are the reason I am interested and able to provide such content.

After reading, click reply on this email and let me know: What is the main benefit you got out of reading that post, and what is one thing you wish were different about the post? I would love to hear your feedback, but no response is required!

Onward and upward for your writing dreams,


Brad Johnson, 815 E Oakton St, Lot 150, Des Plaines, IL 60018, United States
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