Subject: Friend, I can't believe it took me this long...

Hi Friend,

Believe it or not, I FINALLY took some time to finish the last post in my mega-long, mega-dense How To Become A Better Writer series!

In the long time I haven't sent out any emails, I hope you have been doing well and enjoying this moving-way-too-fast summer.

I have been wrapping up school (so eager to get it all DONE) and greatly looking forward to picking up where I left off with blogging, book writing and all forms of writing goals. 

The sky's the limit...

Just kidding, there are no limits. :) Only the limits you self-impose!

I will admit - it has been scary thinking about how I need to do a much better job of hitting the grindstone when I return to the writing game than I ever have before. Last time I remember being pumped up about writing for the long haul was at 2016's Tribe Conference in Franklin, TN, where I was lucky enough to meet a few people and make a few friends. 

In any case, let me link you to this post. Part 12 is definitely one of the biggest posts in the series, and also one of the longest posts I've ever written. I hope it gives you plenty of fodder for your writing goals and getting re-disciplined! 

As always, feel free to comment and tell me what you think! Your feedback is always welcome. After all, it helps me help you! 

To your grandest, enduring writing dreams,


P.S. You rock! You CAN do this! Now get out there and do it!

Brad Johnson, 815 E Oakton St, Lot 150, Des Plaines, IL 60018, United States
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