Subject: Are you struggling with becoming successful, Friend?


Are you struggling to become successful?

Does it seem like the days tick by without any meaningful progress?

Or, maybe you're working your butt off, but your most important metrics -- audience, conversions, and sales -- aren't moving at all?

Well, I have good news for you.

Success takes time...

But it's not impossible. 

Success is the result of implementing the right actions at the right times.

It's also not about luck. 

It's not even about knowing the right people.

Nor is it about guesswork.... not even a little bit.

It's about intentionality, having a plan, and acting on that plan. 

What does all of this have to do with this email, though?

I'm glad you asked.

I just finished co-authoring a book about success -- and what success takes -- with 28 other authors. 

It's called "The Success Code: How Ordinary Habits Can Produce Extraordinary Results", and I am STOKED for the release.

The book releases 8/4/20 and there's going to be plenty of buzz about it, I'm sure. 

Right now, it's a pre-launch bestseller in Philosophy Reference, and we anticipate that #1 spot to be held for a number of days in a row.

You can buy it on Amazon Kindle right now for only $0.99. If you ask me, that's about as great as a book price can get!

Success doesn't have to be a dream that appears far away and unattainable. 

It can be the air you breathe, the environment you soak up... and the reality you live in. But only if you use the right strategies. 

To your massive and ongoing success,

Brad Johnson

P.S. Here's the book link again. Grab it while it's less than a dollar! 

Brad Johnson, 815 E Oakton St, Lot 150, Des Plaines, IL 60018, United States
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