Subject: 3 ways to instantly improve your sales copy

Hi Friend,

Today's writing tip email is about how to improve your sales copy. Even as a content or fiction writer, learning how to write persuasively - that is, mastering sales copy - is an essential skill in any writer's toolkit.

It's the difference between people clicking through your links to read more, and passing on your content to read something more exciting or helpful. Without further ado, let's get right into it...

There are many reasons why your sales copy isn't converting, but by gradually making improvements in different areas of your copy, you'll be able to get the most out of it in the long run.

Your sales copy is what drives your success and profits, so it's good sense to put real effort into making it as good as it can possibly be. Below I have three quick and easy steps you can take to improve the performance of your copy.

Throw Some Humor In There

Have you ever consumed sales copy that reads and feels quite like a dry, corporate sales pitch that has too much unnecessary jargon? Your aim with sales copy is to deliver information about your product and close the sale, but at the same time it's important that you make the whole experience fun.

The delivery method you choose with your sales pitch absolutely matters. Remember, you don't want readers to see your sales copy as more of an instruction manual or a dry essay. It's okay to put some life into it and make jokes where applicable.

This makes it easier for your sales prospects to like your copy and feel like they have a connection with you. Adding an undertone of humor will take a piece of stale copy and turn it into some lighter-feeling, informative content that's still easily digestible.

Be A Friend

Do you compose copy that sounds more like it's been copied from a sales pitch you've seen on television? It's important to make sure that your prospects feel comfortable, so you can get rid of any hesitation that comes from reading an offer that feels commercialized.

Be friendly to your prospects and offer them some good advice instead of shoving your offer down their throats! :) This will allow you to be more reachable and showcase you as a trustworthy individual that cares.

Utilize The Fear Of Loss

"Fear of loss", or "fear of missing out" (FOMO), is a technique used by direct marketers to help get more sales in a shorter time period. By influencing your readers to have the fear of loss, you'll get them to put a "self-imposed" deadline on their behavior, which will encourage them to buy from you quickly.

Nobody wants to miss out on a great offer, so adding a sense of urgency to your copy can help you seem even more irresistible to potential readers and clients. It helps to add a time limit to your offer, as well - such as a particular discount if readers purchase within three days. 

That's it! Put these tips to use today, to become a more persuasive writer over time. Before you know it, you'll have more readers lining up to see what your latest deal or offer is. 

To your continued success, 

Brad Johnson, 815 E Oakton St, Lot 150, Des Plaines, IL 60018, United States
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