Subject: 3 imperative rules of blogging (break at your own risk)

Hi Friend,

When you start blogging, there's a lot they don't tell you. It's impossible to know everything you need to know after just a few weeks of doing it, so my goal in these emails is to share as much as I can, as openly as I can, to help you succeed in writing, blogging, and leadership. 

This email is about the 3 rules of blogging you break at your own risk. There's a lot that's crucial in business, and writing is no different. Here we go:

1. Always be honest

Simply put, this implores you to ensure everything you're sharing is accurate. 

Any facts or statistics you include should be well-presented (without distorting the real context), and all pertinent links should be provided. 

In cases when the authenticity and correctness of information is shadowy,
it's imperative to inform your readers. If photos are included
in your post, captions always help explain meaning and

Never take opinions and post them as facts; simply share that it's someone's opinion. It keeps you out of hot water, and your readers are more likely to trust you as a writer. This also ensures your work is free from plagiarism. 

2. Do your best not to inflict any harm 

Be conscientious when mentioning names and events. If
your article is discussing a rather controversial topic or
person, be careful with what you are saying. Always
consider the affected party's possible reaction and strive
to dampen the blow, if not to eliminate it.

Through mindful decisions, it's possible to avoid causing most harm, but your reputation takes months, if not years to rebuild after writing a few disparaging words. 

A person's privacy should always be held in high esteem.
Using the quest for information and the truth to barge
into other people's private business is in bad taste.

Work to showcase compassion and empathy to any
individual you are writing about who is affected by grief
and misfortune. Place yourself in their shoes before you hastily publish anything. 

3. Remember you are accountable for your actions

Take charge of the consequences of your writing. 
If you have made a mistake, accept it and work immediately
to resolve any conflict it might have caused. Own your entries
and any reaction they may invoke. This is the truest mark of a mature, seasoned writer. 

If people have questions about your information, promote a
healthy discussion and be open to other ideas. Show that you are willing to listen, not just speak. What you may discover can lead to the improvement of your data, and your business as a whole. 

Every person has their own measure of what is ethical and
what is not. The above list may not cover everything that a
blogger should maintain to improve the integrity of the
blogging population. 

It is important to note though that
"ethical" is primarily a question of how others are treated
and affected by our actions. Therefore, the subjects of any
blog entry should be given respect and portrayed in the
most objective light possible at all times.

I hope you enjoyed this post and got value out of it. Until next week!

To your grandest writing goals, 

Brad Johnson, 815 E Oakton St, Lot 150, Des Plaines, IL 60018, United States
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