Subject: [WPTI] I'm Sorry... I Went A Bit Nuts...

[WPTI] I'm Sorry... I Went A Bit Nuts...

February 27th, 2013 at 3:20 pm GMT

Hi there! I hope you're having a great day! I feel that I owe you an apology... Yesterday I allowed myself to be persuaded into sending a rather hypey email and it's been preying on my mind... ...

[WPTI] Don't Panic! (your early bird link fixed)

February 26th, 2013 at 5:07 pm GMT

Hi there! I'm really sorry to send 2 emails in the same day. You know I never usually do this stuff... However, since I told you about the new Covert Social Press theme earlier today... I've be ...

[WPTI] Covert Social Press Is LIVE (Your Early Bird Link)

February 26th, 2013 at 11:13 am GMT

Hi there! How are you today? I've just been on the phone to No.2 daughter who will graduate as a doctor later this year... Who gave my baby permission to grow up?! Lol! She is currently trying ...

[WPTI] Exclusive: Powerful WP Theme Demo - I'm Soooo Excited!

February 25th, 2013 at 1:30 pm GMT

Hi there! How is your Monday going? I've been printing out bank statements in order to make up the accounts in hubby's offline business... It kinda makes me wonder about the point of going pape ...

[WPTI] Porcupines, Popups & Free Download Expires Tomorrow...

February 24th, 2013 at 11:27 am GMT

Hi there! How is your weekend going? Mine's been pretty quiet - hubby went to watch his team lose spectacularly at rugby yesterday so I had the afternoon to myself... And do you know how I chos ...

[WPTI] Disaster Averted... Plus Free Download

February 22nd, 2013 at 2:30 pm GMT

Hey there! Are you looking forward to the weekend? I know I am! It's been a long week. Lol! Disaster was averted today... The casing of our electric shower was cracked... A little puzzling, sin ...

[WPTI] Breaking News: Google Admits To Massive Flaw... (Free Download)

February 21st, 2013 at 3:46 pm GMT

Hi there! I hope you're having a great day! The sun is shining here... but deceptively... because It's fricking freezing, Mr Bigglesworth! I saw the doctor earlier, but sadly there wasn't much ...

[WPTI] This Is A Real Goldmine...

February 20th, 2013 at 2:31 pm GMT

Hey there! How is this week treating you? Good I hope? I just wanted to check you didn't miss this yesterday... When you first start online, or when you want to expand your online business, the ...

[WPTI] Sun, Sea + 320k Niche Phrases [WP Plugin]

February 19th, 2013 at 12:21 pm GMT

Hey there! And how are you this fine Tuesday? Good I hope :) Hubby and I went for a walk along the coastline this morning. It was rather chilly, but the sun was out and we had a lovely time. Th ...

[WPTI] Wordpress Tip #10 - Is This Slowing Your Site Down?

February 15th, 2013 at 3:00 pm GMT

Hey there! How are you today? The sun is shining and the birdies are tweeting, but I'm having one of those weeks... I've gone from all-out launch mode for my next WSO to almost a complete stop. ...