Subject: [WPTI] And Now For Something Completely Different...

Hi there Friend,

How are you this fine Tuesday?

Here in the Westcountry there has been a big yellow shiny thing in the sky... I seem to remember it's called the sun... ;-) It has been lovely to see it today :-)

I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be quieter than usual for the next week or so...

One of my mentors skyped me out of the blue on Saturday and insisted that I take the next week to make a detailed business plan for the next 6 months... Yikes! :-s

He's going to take it apart next Saturday and sort me out with a proper 6 month blueprint. He's actually moved onto bigger things and is helping me for free. How lovely is that? :)

Anyway, I'm a teensy bit terrified, but I know it's the kick up the backside that I need...

Now onto today...

If your inbox is anything like mine you are being bombarded by emails telling you how wonderful Easy Video Suite is...

Well I'm going to do something unusual and recommend... shock!  ...horror! ...DON'T buy EVS... really. Don't.

Why would I say such a thing?

Simple. Unless you are a high-powered marketer, use video heavily in your business or have $297 to burn, you don't really need it...

I'm certainly not going to shell out my hard earned cash on it when you can accomplish a lot of what it does for free anyway!

Consider the following:

#1 - Recording videos

You might already have screen capture software... if not you can get these for free:
- CamStudio
- Jing
- Screencast-o-matic

#2 Converting Videos

Handbrake does the job pretty darn well. And it's free!

If you'd like to know the best settings to optimize your videos for the web hit reply and I'll write an newsletter about it :-)

#3 - Uploading Videos

What's wrong with uploading them to YouTube yourself...?

Seriously. Why complicate matters if video is not already a major part of your business?

There's no charge for storage or bandwidth either!

#4 - Video editing

The editing in EVS is only basic. You probably have a better free editor on your computer - namely Windows Live Movie Maker or iMovie (Mac)...
Yes EVS does do other stuff, but do you really need it?
If you really must have it then look for who's offering the best bonus before buying - there's a ton of them! :-)

Look out for the next Wordpress tip video soon!
To your success!

PS. If you're ever been overwhelmed with work and lack direction this will stop you procrastinating, help you focus and achieve your goals in 2013:

==> Simple Productivity System

PPS. Join my free Facebook group. There are 50 members now! And we don't bite. I promise :-)

==> Join Adventures In Online Marketing

About the Author: Sally Lazarus is an Internet Marketer, wife, mother and massive geek…

She started out as a programmer many moons ago, before the Internet as we know it today was born… No, not in the 1970s. She's not that old! How rude! :P

She's been working online since late 2011. She doesn't claim to know it all. She's still learning too, but she wants to share her knowledge with you and help you succeed online.

She's an ethical marketer and loves helping people to reach their goals. When she sends out a promotion it will always be well thought out, even if it means sending it a day or two after launch.

She will investigate it properly beforehand, get hold of a review copy or buy it herself. She wouldn't recommend anything that she didn't believe in or wouldn't use herself.

Her aim is to save you time by doing the research for you, to make it easier for you to figure out if a particular product is likely to be able to help you reach your goals.

 Sally Lazarus:
