Subject: [WP Theme Igniter] The Money Is In The Banana Stand...

Hi Friend,

How's your day been so far? Mines been rather problematic. This afternoon I've not been feeling great, but a friend of mine has a plugin coming out tomorrow, so I did the decent thing and agreed to help test it for him (a little more notice might have been nice! Lol!).

Anyway,  because I had problems getting the plugin to work on my main blog (it worked on others), it took rather more time than I'd intended. So now I'm running late. And to top it off my husband just phoned to say that he's been in a car accident... Yikes! =:-o

Thankfully he's not hurt, just shaken up. But now I'm worried about him and my mind is not on work at all...

Anyway, I realise that most of you were probably busy with family over the weekend, so I just wanted to make sure that you got the chance to take a look at the great list-building software that I told you about on Saturday.

I grabbed Squeeze Ninja myself and although I've had a couple of minor problems with it, support have sorted them out pretty quickly, so I'm a very happy bunny.

If you're in a hurry you can check it out here:

I've been putting off setting up a funnel to give away my first product and build my list further, but Squeeze Ninja has made the process of setting up my squeeze page, thank you page and download page a real breeze!

The software even allows me to redirect the people who opt-in to my list to an offer, so I can monetize the list straight away! So my list of prospects easily become a list of buyers, which is the best kind of list to have. Woohoo!

If you feel like what's holding you back is the technical aspect of building a list, then I recommend you take 5 minutes to check out Squeeze Ninja. I wouldn't recommend it if I didn't think it could help you.

They're practically giving it away right now at less than $10 - that's a 75% discount for the launch period! :)

Click the link for more details:

Beyond a little bit of FTP to upload it to your site the first time (and there's a tutorial video to cover that), no techie skills are needed!

I can even send you a step-by-step guide on how to use FileZilla. Just email me your receipt after purchase and I'll forward it to you :)

After that, the most technical thing you'll have to do will be to click your mouse a few times (try not to hurt your clicking finger).

Click the link below to get full details:

I'm not going to say any more, other than you should check out Squeeze Ninja for three reasons:

1. It's a quick way to finally get your funnel up and running if you haven't got one, or to create MORE if you have

2. No techie skills are needed and it's super simple to use. No effort required!

3. No sneaky monthly fees - pay the crazy introductory price and you're good to go

Oh, ok 4 reasons... and this is a big one which I'm sure you've heard many times before... Just 6 words...

4. The. Money. Is. In. The. List. :)

(Not in the banana stand as George-Michael Bluth discovered to his cost in Arrested Development...)

Click the link below to check it out:

I really cannot describe how much easier this bit of software is going to make my life! I'm sure it will help you too!

To your success!
