Subject: [WP Theme Igniter] I need your help, Friend

Hi Friend,

I've been thinking recently about how I can offer you the best possible content and value to help you become successful online quickly. However, I realised that I know very little about you, other than you wanted to learn how to create an online sales page...

So, I'm assuming that you have an interest in making money online, right? (Nothing gets past me!) :)

Anyway, I was hoping that you would be willing to help me out by filling out a short survey so I can better understand where you are right now with internet Marketing and your particular goals and needs?

I'll even send you a free gift in return for taking part :) Now don't say I never give you anything ;)

So if you could spare 2 minutes to answer a few quick questions, I would be very grateful:

I'd love to be able to help you to reach your goals and once I have the survey results I'll have a much better idea of how I can do that :)

Looking forward to seeing your answers!

To your success!
