Subject: [WP Theme Igniter] Hooks, product creation & focus

Hey there!

I hope you're having a good day. Have you noticed how dark it's getting lately? Maybe it's just the UK, but I had to put the light on in my "office" (aka the dining room) at 3.30pm today. And it wasn't even raining! I don't know about you, but I find that a teensy bit depressing.

I know I should probably be used to it because I've lived in the UK my whole life, but it still comes as a shock every year when the nights start closing in...

Anyway, I just wanted to check you'd had a chance to take a look at the review I wrote of Josh Morris's product creation report. It's not just an easy-to-follow blueprint, it also comes with both a 7 Day Action Plan and a sneaky way to train yourself to focus so that you can get everything done in 7 days. I even take you inside the product in my video. Shh! Don't tell anyone!

This thing is flying off the shelves, Josh is getting some great reviews and the price is rising, so if you're at all interested in creating your own products, learning how to create a great sales hook or teaching yourself how to focus, I recommend you check out my review now:


One of the best ways to make money online is creating your own products! And why is product creation so much better than selling a product as an affiliate?...

Well, when you promote a product as an affiliate, you have to do a surprising amount of work just to sell a few copies for a measly commission. You may have to write an email, do a review, drive traffic and who benefits most? Not you, that's for sure. You might get 50% of the sale. If you're lucky.

BUT if you know how to create your own products, you create one and then affiliates do all the running around for you. You get to keep most of the profit and build a buyers list too! Woohoo! :)

Then you can repurpose your content. Use it in emails, use it as the basis of a bigger product, add it to a membership site, create a video or mp3 course out of it, sell PLR rights to it, give it away to build a list.... The options are endless. You have a prime piece of real estate that nobody can take away from you that you can profit from forever. Now doesn't that sound good?

You might think that product creation is really hard and not something you could do yourself. But think again!  I've just been lucky enough to go through a Instant Passive Blueprint by Josh Morris (he of the "Bamboo" series fame).

See my review (complete with video) here:

I don't think I've ever seen product creation broken down and explained in such a simple manner. And what's more it can be done in 7 days! :)

Josh even gives you his 7 Day Action Plan as well as The Focus Factor to teach you how to get into the zone! I am definitely going to put these methods into action in the next few days - I'm sure they will increase my productivity immensely! :)

And what I love most about Instant Passive Blueprint? I finally understand how to create a hook to make selling my products so much easier. I have NEVER understood this before, but Josh's explanation made it seem so simple. I will never struggle with it again! I'm a very happy bunny! :)

If you feel like product creation and laser focus would bring you closer to realising your goals, then check out the review on my blog (complete with video).


I hope you find it useful.

To your success!
