Subject: [WP Theme Igniter] Build A List Like A Ninja!

Hi Friend,

I hope you're having a great weekend so far! It's a bit cold here but it's a beautiful day, the sun is shining and the birdies are mooing, so it's good to be alive :) Plus I'm going to see Frankenweenie later. What could be better?

Today I want to talk a bit about sales funnels. Talk to any experienced marketer and they'll tell you that the most important part of their business is their sales funnel.

You've probably heard that the money is in the list (or rather the relationship with that list). But how do you start to build a list in the first place? Give away a good-quality freebie in return for a sign up via a squeeze page...

Sounds simple enough, but even so I only recently started to build a list and I'm really kicking myself. I could have had a list of thousands by now if only I'd been willing to put in a few hours work...

You see I'm lazy and although I'm quite comfortable with the techie side of things, I have other important stuff to do (Xbox counts, right?) and I just never got around to creating a proper funnel with a squeeze page and free gift and a thank you page etc etc.

But I realise now that I was stupid not to put in the effort. Do you want to know why? Because friends of mine, who started out online at the same time as me are making money pretty much on DEMAND and have been for a while! And that has made me pretty envious. Until now.

If YOU feel like what's holding you back is getting your squeeze page and funnel up and running then I recommend you take 5 minutes to check out Squeeze Ninja, an amazing piece of software that I grabbed myself yesterday...

They're practically giving it away right now!

Click the link for more details:

You can create an entire, optimized and monetized funnel with squeeze pages, thank you pages and download pages etc in next to no time...

Beyond a little bit of FTP to upload it to your site the first time (and there's a tutorial video to cover that), no techie skills are needed!

After that, the most technical thing you'll have to do will be to click your mouse a few times (try not to hurt your clicking finger).

The software will automatically create your squeeze pages, thank you pages and download pages etc and redirect to offers and promotions so you can monetize your funnel straight away... So you are building a highly-prized list of buyers!

And that's not all! It does lots of other stuff too...

we're talking stats, cloning existing funnels, creating new pages, deleting old pages, tracking, resetting stats...

...and ALL with no coding or designing needed. Woohoo!

Click the link below to get full details:

If you're worried about the 5 minutes of FTP needed to upload it to your site, then I can send you a step-by-step guide on how to use FileZilla. Just email me your receipt after purchase and I'll forward it to you :)

I'm not going to say any more, other than you should check out Squeeze Ninja for three reasons:

1. It's a quick way to finally get your funnel up and running if you haven't got one, or to create MORE if you have

2. No techie skills are needed and it's super simple to use. No effort required!

3. No sneaky monthly fees - pay the crazy introductory price and you're good to go

Click the link below to check it out:

I really cannot describe how much easier this bit of software is going to make my life!

I highly recommend you check it out to see if it's something that will help you out in your business.

Have a great day!
