Subject: [WP Theme Igniter] Breaks are good, ok? ;)

Hi Friend,

Well the insanity of WSOTD has finally subsided and I've had a chance to have a bit of down-time with my family.

This weekend I have been celebrating a rather significant birthday and I've been a little bit down about it to tell you the truth.

However, the excitement of launching WP Theme Igniter and getting awarded WSO of the day did an excellent job of taking my mind off the impending doom of my increasing age quite nicely :)

Before the weekend I was so incredibly busy that my feet barely touched the ground. I don't know about you, Friend, but when I'm feeling extremely overworked and stressed I have a tendency to stay glued to my computer. I forget to eat, sleep becomes a far-off dream and as for exercise? Just forget it!

Last week I was getting more and more hunched over my keyboard with each passing hour, as if getting closer to the screen would actually help in some way!

My neck got stiffer and stiffer, threatening to seize up completely... Certainly not good at any age, never mind at my "ripe old age" ;)

Having spent Friday morning having one of the most painful sports massages of my life, I've learned my lesson!

I've found a simple yet effective way to remember to take regular breaks in order to stretch. Want to know what I found? Of course you do! :)

It's a simple Firefox add-on called StretchClock:

You just add it to Firefox and it gives you a break reminder at set intervals. You can choose the interval but they recommend an hour and I'd go along with that. You can choose for it to launch the stretch, play a reminder or wait for click. I'd recommend to launch the stretch as even I can't ignore that!

When the interval is up, it launches a video that shows you how to do a quick stretch that takes just a minute or two :) I've already found that it helps. So if you get a stiff neck and shoulders like me, give it a try :)

My next email will contain the video that I've been promising that shows you how to spruce up the text on your sales pages. So look out for that in the next day or two.

Feel free to hit reply and ask any questions you may have.

To your success
