Subject: [WP Theme Igniter] And the winner so far...

Hi Friend,

I'm having one of those days today, having trouble getting into work. I blame the jet-lag. It's 4.35pm already and the most useful thing that has been accomplished is my personal trainer beating me up... I mean giving me a sports massage. Not my favourite thing in the world, but if he doesn't stick a few elbows in my tight muscles (ouch!) every week my whole body seizes up!

But enough about my problems. I hope you're all doing well today :)

I just want to say a big thank you to the 37 lovely people who have filled out my survey so far. You all get a big hug :)

Here's the link if you want to fill it out now, Friend:

Some of you had tales of ill-health and adversity to tell. I really feel for you and I truly hope I can help you to succeed online soon. Feel free to hit reply to any of my emails with specific questions and I'll do my best to help you out.

I was where a lot of you are right now, not that long ago - struggling with information overload and tormented with doubts that it was possible for me to succeed online.

Just understand that when you pick one money-making method, focus on it and keep taking action, everything else follows... We haven't got time to go into this properly now, but perhaps we'll talk more about that in a later email.

So, there are just 4 questions in the survey (and 3 of those are multiple choice - no thinking necessary!) and I'd love to have everyone fill it in to enable me to help you better and send you more relevant information.

So if you haven't filled it in yet, Friend, please do me (and yourself) a big favour and go do it now (the future of the human race depends on it!* ):

I'll just wait here patiently for 2 minutes until you get back...

...dum-de-dum, dum-de-dum... ooh, I'm thinking about Doctor Who now...

...while we're waiting, those of you who've already given me your answers, thank you very much, I really appreciate you taking the time to do that. I promise to use the results for good, not evil ;)

...ok, everyone back now?

...Let us continue....

Traffic / SEO seems to be winning right now, with listbuilding a close second, so if you were tricksy and just pretended to go away and fill in the survey you might want to have your say now :)

As a big thank you for helping me out I'm going to be sending you a great free report in a couple of days, all about traffic generation combined with a smidgeon of list-building. Since they are the most popular topics so far, I'm sure you'll find the report useful.

Oh and you might be wondering what happened to the Paypal button video. Well I ran into a major snag with the recording, but I'm working on an alternative solution to help you. I'll tell you all about it next time.

To your success!


* Not strictly true, but it will mean that you get to learn more stuff that interests you :)