Subject: [WP Theme Igniter] Adding A PayPal Button (+ Free Report)

Hi Friend,

And how are you this fine Friday? :) Looking forward to the weekend? I certainly am! I'm hoping to get to see Skyfall - the new Bond film (just love Daniel Craig!), if it's not sold out in the small local cinema (the closest we get to civilization around these parts! Arrr!).

Otherwise it's Frankenweenie, but I'm a massive fan of Tim Burton movies, so that should be good too :)

Anyway, a big thank you goes out to everyone who filled in my survey. I haven't had time to analyse the results properly yet, but it looks like the most popular topics were Traffic, Listbuilding, Wordpress and Product Creation, so I'll be doing my best to help you out in these areas.

As a thank you to those of you who filled in the survey, here's a download link to the free traffic and listbuilding guide I was talking about. The rest of you can hang your heads in shame ;)

Click here to download the traffic report:

Now you may remember that I said I'd run into a major snag with recording a video to show you how to create a Paypal button? Well here's the full story...

I sat down on Monday afternoon, spent time writing my script for the video. Then I read it through a few times, made sure my recording equipment was working and started to make the recording.

It took me a few takes as usual (I tend to forget how to talk when I'm recording myself), but after about an hour or so it was done. I saved it and moved it into Windows Live Movie Maker to edit a couple of things...

Well, I was dismayed to see that most of the frames were of nothing more than hundreds of cursor arrows on a white background. Obviously I'd done a lot of work, so I was a little bit upset and may have said some *bad* words...

I had literally just updated Snagit, so I thought it must be a problem with the update.

I tried recording some general surfing and everything seemed to be fine, so I decided that it was a temporary glitch and I tried again, went through the whole thing and when I came to view it, the same thing had happened. Eek! =:o

On closer inspection, the top of the browser window was there, so it couldn't be Snagit. I investigated further and discovered that the problem only occurred when I was logged into Paypal. I discovered that I couldn't even take a screenshot because the screen would go black.

I tried other screen recording software, but nothing worked. Basically, I think that for security reasons, Paypal (being a banking site) have disabled the ability to record anything on their website when you are logged in.

This must have happened fairly recently because there are plenty of paypal "how to" videos out there.

I didn't want to let you guys down, so I went in search of some tutorials that I could "borrow"... ;)

And here they are in all their glory.

Just remember that in order to do add a Paypal button you need to have a Premier or Business Paypal account, so if you haven’t you’ll need to hit the “Upgrade” button on the My Account->Overview page and upgrade there first.

So, click here for an excellent written guide:

And click here for a step-by-step video showing you how to do it:

I'm even going to give you my video script because it might help you out a bit if you get a bit stuck.

Click here to download it:

I hope that helps you to get a Paypal button up and running on your sales sites soon! :)

Have a great day and we'll talk soon.
