Subject: [Adventures in Facebook #3] Sally Vs. The Facebook Cover

The Facebook Adventure Meets Cover Creation

Hope your week is going swimmingly! :)

I visited the vampire aka the phlebotomist today to get blood taken to find out what's going on with my thyroid...

Even though I my Atrial Fibrillation is directly affected by my thyroid status, the NHS, in its infinite wisdom, completely refuses to do a full thyroid panel no matter what I do, so I paid for this one myself. Boo!

But you don't need to hear me rant about that for the next 8 hours... and believe me when I say I can. Lol!

Anyway I've taken a little longer than I intended getting part #3 of my Facebook page adventures to you...

It's mostly because I'm having way too much fun posting to my page and also finding it impossible to make a decision about the right image to use in my advertising...

But more about that another time...

If you remember from last time, I'd chosen a niche and set up a page - which I'm keeping under wraps. For now...

If you missed the first 2 parts you can read them on my blog:


There's a link to part #2 from there.

The time had now come (the walrus said ;-)) to choose a cover image.

I wanted something fairly original, but I didn't really want to pay for a cover to be created until I was sure that my idea was a winner.

It was also important to find something that wasn't copyrighted, so I searched Google for images which are free "even for commercial use"

You can do this from the advanced image search.

And here's a good article which lists 12 places to get copyright free images:


I spent a good deal longer than planned scouring the internet for images and came up with a few possibilities, but nothing really stood out.

In the end I picked an image from Shutterstock that fit my personality and felt right for me.

I had a few credits remaining from my last launch so it was effectively freeee! :)

(It's £29 for 5 downloads over 12 months, which is pretty reasonable I think)

I did a bit of tweaking in Photoshop and added some text - just the name of the page for now. Later I will add the website address. (You could use PicMonkey or Gimp)

Feeling pretty pleased with myself, I added the cover to my page...

But it turns out I was not nearly as clever as I thought...

An important part of the bottom left of image was covered by the profile pic! Doh!

So more tweaking was necessary...

Eventually figured out that if I added extra space to the left edge of the canvas, it shifted the image over just enough so that the important bottom left area was no longer hidden.

Eh voila! A "perfect" Facebook cover... Yay me! ;-)

If you're making a facebook cover you might find these links useful:

Guide to Facebook cover sizes:


Facebook cover template:


Oh and I also installed a little add-on to Firefox called MeasureIt which helped me figure out how much to increase the canvas...

It basically allows you to measure the pixel width of various elements in your browser. Very handy! :)

Next time we'll get into building an irresistible page by posting great content.

So, look out for [Adventures in Facebook #4], which will most likely arrive in your inbox early next week due to a weekend of gallivanting, Doctor Who & Harry Potter :)

To your success!

Sally "I have 9 page likes" Lazarus

PS if you're wondering what course I'm following to set up my page and my marketing, it's a mixture of Reverse Blogging and FB Dynamo by Mark Thompson and Peter van Zijl.

Both are stand up marketers and very good at answering all your questions. Plus the FB Dynamo Facebook group is pretty helpful too.

You can check out Reverse Blogging by clicking the link below:


And FB Dynamo by clicking this link:


About the Author: Sally Lazarus is an Internet Marketer, wife, mother and massive geek…

She started out as a programmer many moons ago, before the Internet as we know it today was born… No, not when dinosaurs roamed the Earth! She's not that old! How rude! :P

She's been working online since late 2011. She doesn't claim to know it all. She's still learning too, but she wants to share her knowledge with you and help you succeed online.

She's an ethical marketer and loves helping people to reach their goals. When she sends out a promotion it will always be well thought out, even if it means sending it a day or two after launch.

She will investigate it properly beforehand, get hold of a review copy or buy it herself. She wouldn't recommend anything that she didn't believe in or wouldn't use herself.

Her aim is to save you time by doing the research for you, to make it easier for you to figure out if a particular product is likely to be able to help you reach your goals.

 Sally Lazarus:


Marketing Geekery, 7 Pool Crescent, NP19 4BJ, Newport, United Kingdom
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