Subject: Worldwide Potentiation Follow-up

Phoenix Center for Regenetics
Worldwide Potentiation Ceremony
Dear Friend,

We are writing to let you know your DNA activation from our Worldwide Potentiation Ceremony went perfectly!

On our end, we had a wonderful group session and felt a strong connection with the energies; we trust you did as well. But even if something came up and you were unable to take focused time, rest assured Potentiation was delivered and has begun to work.

In order to give you some context for the "ener-genetic" shifts that are likely to start taking place soon, please download the free PDF file "Era II Tools" at and read it thoroughly.

Alternatively, you can enjoy this essential reading for "potentiators" in the paperbook or ebook version of Potentiate Your DNA, where "Era II Tools" is Chapter Thirteen.

Through simple muscle testing as explained, you should be able to easily determine your energy family, or Electromagnetic Group (1, 2 or 3). The very helpful concept of Electromagnetic Groups and corresponding Schematics is treated in detail in "Era II Tools."

In this chapter, you also will learn to chart the Time Frame for your 42-week Potentiation process—which is the key to understanding many of the subtle and not-so-subtle changes that can occur.

Potentiate Your DNA, which we highly recommend that you read in full, contains a wealth of additional information—philosophical, psychological, dietary, etc.—for integrating and maximizing this potent DNA activation. New Dawn Magazine described this pioneering text as "both fascinating and an astounding, perhaps even world-changing theory."

Again, we suggest that you consider journaling periodically (even making quick notations in your calendar or planner is helpful) to stay intentionally focused on and follow your process. The trick, we have found, is to put out intentional energy with genuine feeling, then freely release it so what you desire can come back to you.

As detailed in "Era II Tools," the Potentiation energies first will travel down through your bioenergy centers from the ninth to the first. Next, the energies will travel back up through these ecosystems, then back down again, recalibrating them as a new infinity circuit based on eight (the number for infinity) is established.

Finally, when this new, more stable bioenergy matrix is in place and the Fragmentary Body is "sealed" at approximately the five-month mark following Potentiation, your bioenergy centers will be charged with torsion energy from the top down, one field at a time.

At this five-month point, you become eligible to experience the second phase of the Regenetics Method, Articulation. The chart below from our Timeline & Principles page should be helpful in understanding the flow of the four primary Regenetics activations.

IMPORTANT: You can further enhance your healing and transformation through Regenetics by scheduling individual sessions with us at full price as you are ready for them—or you can save money by pre-purchasing individual sessions of Articulation, Elucidation and Transcension.

Participants in the Worldwide Potentiation Ceremony have through the end of the month to upgrade to our Core Regenetics Series or Advanced Mastery Program at substantial discounts over sessions purchased one at a time. For more information visit ...

On the subject of "paying Regenetics forward," if you still have not sent a donation for the Worldwide Potentiation Ceremony and feel called to do so now or later, click here.

Again, if you prefer to share Regenetics as a gesture of thanks and good faith, here are some things you can do ...
For even more in-depth information on this life-changing work, we invite you to join our private Regenetics Method Forum, which can be accessed for a nominal one-time fee that helps cover the cost of the forum and the considerable time we put in as moderators. Read more about how to join at:

We encourage you to share your experiences and ask your questions on the Forum for the benefit of all. Those who upgrade to the Core Regenetics Series or Advanced Mastery Program receive a complimentary lifetime subscription valued at $25.

We always welcome your inquiries and feedback. We also hope that you will feel inclined to spread the good word about Potentiation and the Regenetics Method.

Happy potentiating!


Sol and Leigh
Phoenix Center for Regenetics
Facilitating conscious personal mastery as a bio-spiritual healing path through integrated DNA activation

[DISCLAIMER: The Developers and all certified Facilitators of the Regenetics Method offer DNA activation as educators and ordained ministers, not medical doctors, and do not purport to diagnose, prevent or treat illness of any kind. Regenetics Method information and sessions are offered, and accepted, as exercises of freedom of speech and religion. The Developers and Facilitators of the Regenetics Method make no recommendations, claims, promises or guarantees relative to specific health challenges. You are solely responsible for your own medical treatment and care.]

PO Box 18472 , Asheville, North Carolina 28814, United States

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