Subject: 317 Massage

Hello, hope you're having a wonderful day.

I'm very excited to announce my new massage room is finished.

I love how it looks and I even found a nice rug to go with the room.

And that's only going to be the start of all the changes at the studio!

Once we're done remodeling the suite next door JD as well as my office
is going to move over there as well as his massage room.

Amy will take his old room. Then we're going to make her old room into
a break room.

I'm taking lots of pictures as we work on this project so I'll have more
pictures soon.

I'm still able to take appointments!

Today I'm available at...




Let me know what time works best for you.

Also, ask me about times I have available the rest of the week.


P.S. Tell me what you think of the new room!