I'm running a couple of workshops this coming weekend that may interest you:
♦ Saturday 19 September 1-3pm: Making Soap and Soap Based Products at the Adelaide Hills Natural Resource Centre, Norton Summit Sth Aust ♦ Sunday 20 September 1.30-3.30pm: Backyard Self-Sufficiency in my Backyard! at St Marys (Adelaide, Sth Aust.).
Here's the details:
Making Soap and Soap Based Products Saturday 19 September 1-3pm How to make soap - from the very basics - simply and quickly. Easy to follow basic recipe with
numerous variations. Plus - transforming a simple bar of soap into a range of
alternative soap–based products (environmentally friendly detergent alternatives). Please bring 3 recycled jars for your take home samples. Cost: $10 Venue: Adelaide Hills Natural Resource Centre Inc. 1 Crescent Drive, Norton Summit Bookings: Contact Val 08 8390 1891 or email: valhunt@ahnrc.org
NB: If you are interested in soap-making from the very basics this workshop will suit you. It's my grandmother's method from many years ago. Plus the Adelaide Hills Natural Resource Centre is a beautiful venue in the Adelaide Hills with wonderful views over Adelaide - only a short drive from the city (down Magill Road). Val (the co-ordinator) offers a wonderful spread for afternoon tea - so the afternoon is well worth the drive. Pam - The Shoppe
 | Backyard Self-Sufficiency in my Backyard! Sunday September 20 - 1.30-3.30 pm
After a very enjoyable and successful workshop last Saturday in my backyard I'm running another workshop this coming Sunday. You are welcome to come along and enjoy the wonderful relaxing atmosphere (with compliments from Mother Nature of course!). My sweet peas are in full
bloom, I have compost on the go, vegetables in containers, herbs, plus
the workshop includes a section on ‘potting’ from cuttings and plants
germinating in my backyard (my garden has a multitude of self-germinated
plants - lettuce, spinach & rocket, flowers - so there is a huge
range to choose from). An old-fashioned country-style afternoon tea
will also be provided (scones, jam, cream, homemade cake, sandwiches
and more!). Workshop covers: • Simple vegetable growing (including containers) • Composting for the beginner • Creating an environmentally aware garden • Recycling and reusing in the garden plus - make and take home a Soap-based Garden Spray. Cost: $30 or $25 conc. Booking details below. Venue:
St Marys (located a couple of streets behind the ex-Keith Bowden
Electrical building off South Road). Bus stop No. 20 (South Road) Important
- Don’t forget to bring a recycled jar (for you homemade insect
repellent spray) and bags/containers (for your cuttings!)
How to Book for the Backyard Self-Sufficiency Workshop:
Option 1: On-line via 'Try-booking' Go to: Backyard Self-Sufficiency Workshop Address details will be available when you book - please bring your booking receipt to the workshop. (Bookings close Saturday 6pm) Or Option 2: Bank account transfer: To The Self-Sufficiency Shoppe account: National Aust. Bank (BSB) 085183 (Account No.) 46-678-8020. Please send email notification to The Shoppe and for venue address. Or Option 3: Pay Pal: Go to www.paypal.com Click on ‘Make a payment/Send money”. Type in email address: theshoppe@tpg.com.au and send your payment. Please email The Shoppe for address details. Or Option 4: Postal: Send cheque to: The Self-Sufficiency Shoppe, P.O. Box 390, Park Holme 5043 Please list your phone number when sending payment so I can phone with the address details. If you have difficulty booking or have any queries email me (via return email) or pam@theshoppe.com.au or ph (08) 8374 2531
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