Backyard Self-Sufficiency Workshop (in my backyard!) Saturday 12 September 2015 - 1.30-3.30pm
I’m running a 'Backyard Self-Sufficiency Workshop' in my own backyard in St Marys - as it seems the best environment for the topic |
| |  | It's spring and my backyard looks wonderfully inviting. I’ve just started planting out my spring vegetables to establish my vegie garden, my sweet peas are in full bloom, I have compost on the go, vegetables in containers, herbs, plus the workshop includes a section on ‘potting’ from cuttings and plants germinating in my backyard (my garden has a multitude of self-germinated plants - lettuce, spinach & rocket, flowers - so there is a huge range to choose from). It’s a beautiful environment - I’ve spent years working on so it would be lovely to share it with people interested in knowing more about getting started in successful backyard gardening. An old-fashioned country-style afternoon tea will also be provided (scones, jam, cream, homemade cake, sandwiches and more!). I have a limited number of chairs so please be quick if you would like to come along. Cost: $30 or $25 conc. More details below. Bookings are pre-paid via 'Try-booking' go to: Backyard Self-Sufficiency Workshop-1 or Backyard Self-Sufficiency Workshop-2 Address details will be available when you book - please bring your booking receipt to the workshop. If you have difficulty booking or have any queries email me (via return email) or
(PS: I've got lots of baby lettuce seedlings just waiting for a new home - so don't forget to bring container or bag to put them in!). Pam – The Self-Sufficiency Shoppe Important - Don’t forget to bring a recycled jar (for you homemade insect repellent spray) and bags/containers (for your cuttings!)
| | Backyard Self-Sufficiency Workshop Saturday September 12 - 1.30-3.30 pm Cost:
$30 (or $25 conc) - includes all materials and afternoon tea. (Please bring a recycled jar
and bags/containers for your cuttings) Workshop covers: • Simple vegetable growing (including containers) • Composting for the beginner • Creating an environmentally aware garden • Recycling and reusing in the garden
Take Home Samples: Soap-based Garden Spray, Selection of self-potted plants in recycled pots PLUS afternoon tea! Venue: St Marys (located a couple of streets behind the ex-Keith Bowden Electrical building off South Road). Bus stop No. 20 (South Road)
| | Not able to come to my workshop? You'll find lots of practical information and pictures of my back-yard in e-book No. 36 - Recycling and Improvising in the Garden........
e-book No. 36 - Recycling & Improvising in the Garden: Creating an environmentally friendly garden, recycling and re-using household items in the garden: such as newspaper, tin cans, plastic containers, egg cartons, old garden hose, car tyres, buckets, curtain material and netting! Also deals with soil enrichment, repelling insects, water saving. 25 pages Price: $12.00 To find out more and download click here
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