Subject: We all stand together 😀

Some of you will know that I joined a new training membership earlier this year, The Elite Academy run by Dawud Islam. (To be honest, it appealed to the lazy side of my nature because I earn money without actually having to do anything!) Shhh... don't tell anyone.

Two of my fellow members have released a product that teaches a much under used Set and Forget Traffic method.

Check it out here

Dawud is letting me offer you his bonuses and I have added some of my own to the delivery page. I haven't had time to update the bonus sales page so exactly what the extras are will be a surprise!

OK, OK... In fact it is 2 ways to earn guaranteed commissions and they don't cost a bean.

There is also a 7 part copywriting course.

Do have a look and see what you think Set And Forget Traffic



p.s. if you want details on the Academy itself, let me know, because I have a discount coupon you can use.

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