Subject: Invitation Friend

Sorry this is really short notice, but I have

been away.

It's happening later today.

If you have ever been curious about investing in

crypto, or even if you haven't, then come and

join us on this training.

My mentor Dan Hollings has created & perfected a

“crypto bot” strategy that ANYONE, regardless of

experience, can start using to make passive

income with cryptocurrency.

In his over 2 years doing this (and millions

spent perfecting this process), my mentor Dan has

never finished a month with a net loss.

On a LIVE workshop this Thursday at 12 Noon

Pacific Timezone (Los Angeles), Dan will share

how this works and how YOU can set up these bots

for yourself.

>> Click Here To Reserve Your Spot

Hope to see you there,


P.S. We’re so confident that you’ll LOVE what Dan

is sharing that he’s giving away a total of 2,500

dollars, LIVE.

5 random, lucky people that stay until the end of

our training AND are engaged throughout our

session have a chance to walk away with 500

dollars! Will it be you?

* Results are based only on the experiences of a

small number of individuals. You should not

construe any such information as investment,

financial, or other advice. Your experience may

be affected by your background, education, and/or

experience, as well as external factors beyond

your control. Your results may vary.

Note: We may receive commissions (at no

additional cost to you) when you click our

link(s) and make a purchase. However, this does

not impact our belief in the quality of the

products we recommend.

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