Subject: why i write

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Hi Friend.

Do you know what a blog hop is? Neither did I. Yet, I love to write, so, when Sheila Kennedy, friend, author, You Had It All Along: 5 Keys to Unlocking the Power of Confidence At Your Core, and Confidence Coach of J29Project invited me to participate in a blog hop I answered with an energetic, "Yes."

Writing is a way for me to connect.

When I write in my journal, formerly known as a diary, I write to connect with my thoughts and emotions. Finding the words to put my feelings on paper helps me find clarity amidst confusion, vulnerability and overwhelm. As I write, I don't only explore the words, but I get more deeply in touch with my feelings. The words in my head bounce around and call for labeling. When I write I get them out of my head which makes room for observation and curiosity. In this way, I see my life with less drama and more art.

Writing is a passion of mine, and has been since lower school. In college, I was self-critical and reluctant to satisfy this desire. It was not until my junior year that I gave myself permission to take classes in English and composition. It was too late to change my major, but connecting to my passion proved an easy path to an A.

As part of my work, which is also my passion, I write to connect others with what I have learned. At these times, my intention is to bring more joy and passion to our lives or share a more feminine way of working and living. This may manifest as a blog, ebook or guides for a course. When I write and share with passion these items take on more depth. They are less lecture and workbook and more passion and playsheet. There is a synergy. The learning is deeper and transformational.

Other times, I write in my journal and connect with gratitude. I write in a simple, lined-page journal given to me by a client. It holds special meaning. Each time I open it, I feel the gratitude for the gift of the journal. Once or twice each day, I share two or three things for which I am grateful. When I started the journal it was a challenge to find three things. I believe it was the judgement I brought to the writing, as if I was editing versus sharing. Yet, I kept the journal visible so I would be tempted to practice daily. With practice my gratitude expanded and writing got easier. What started out as a struggle, may now fill several pages. Not only because I am more grateful, but the joy of writing makes me want to share the event in more detail.

It is hard to write when my mind wanders, so writing becomes a practice to support mindful creativity. When I write, I tend to slow down, breathe, and enjoy being fully present. Sometimes, I write simply because I like to feel the pen in my hand and see the ink appear on the paper. At these moments, I enjoy being full present and the power of all my senses. It is a time to be playful, imagine, and write as if I have no cares. When I left go of writing the best and biggest novel, award-winning poetry or self-help book, it becomes a retreat from the busy and a chance to get in touch with my inner artist. It feels good to give myself permission to simply take time for me, and to write.

I am still learning about blog hops, but research tells me it is about writing and sharing. Let me share a bit of gratitude to those who I already know of in this circle. I invite you to get to know them, check out their blogs, and share comments. The circle grows and so does the love.
  • Robin Taney who prompted Sheila to be part of this blog hop.
  • Sheila Kennedy who shared her blog last week, and prompted me.
  • Elizabeth Barbour, friend, speaker, and a fabulous coach who takes entrepreneurs from "tired to inspired," will share her blog with us next week.
  • Asha Ramakrishna, sister spirit and biz mentor, of will join our circle and share her blog next week.
Do you write? If so, what moves you to write? How does it feel to write? I would love to hear. Come on over and share your thoughts and feelings here.

From my heart to yours.
KDMcMillan Global, 300 West 135th St, New York, New York 10030, United States
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