In these past weeks I've talked with many friends and clients who share about feeling down, and out of sorts. Others are dealing with tech-related issues and wondering about this whole Mercury retrograde thing. All in all, many are feeling kinda' yucky. Feeling like they just want to cry. (I'm just getting my computer back with a new hard drive.)
I say, go ahead and cry. Don't let old messages from family, friends, or society hold you back. Shed a few tears or give it a go. This is about being true to all of you, and all of your emotions.
It may also help to know that Autumn is the season of the metal element, the archetype of the alchemist, and the sound of weeping. Weeping can be a good thing, or at least feel better after we do it. It can be such a release.
In Tina Games, Journaling by the Moonlight course, I am reminded that this new moon phase may call us to "retreat within and see what needs to be released within and around us."
When out of balance, the energy of the season can bring out negative emotions. When in balance, you feel the alchemist in you, like the diamond emerging from the pressure.
This is great time to simplify your life. Take time to slow down, breathe and give yourself much-needed TLC. Let go of what is not serving you. Get out of your head, and breathe. If you have someone in your life you can trust, ask for a hug (Brene Brown's Gifts of Imperfection is a great book about now)
With this email, I send hugs and understanding. I also send the knowledge that you are awesome and that the diamond in you is waiting to shine bright.
From my heart to yours, |