Subject: Message from Winter Park Vice Mayor Pete Weldon

Message from Winter Park Vice Mayor Pete Weldon

October 22nd, 2017 at 3:05 pm EDT

Click here to read in an Internet Browser October 22, 2017 From: Pete Weldon, Winter Park Vice Mayor To: Fellow Winter Park Residents, This message covers two topics. First, you are invited to attend my “coffee talk” session at the Winter Park ...

A Few Trees, Lots of Concrete, Little Expanded Park, Lots of Your Money

June 2nd, 2017 at 10:07 am EDT

Fellow Winter Park Residents Fellow Winter Park Residents, Please share with friends and neighbors. NEW POST: A Few Trees, Lots of Concrete, Little Expanded Park, Lots of Your Money (click to read on-line) June 02, 2017 The editor of Winter Park Voi ...