Subject: Winter Park Conservatives - Vote Tuesday, March 12th

Vote Pete Weldon

Fellow Winter Park Conservative,

I am writing to ask for your vote on Tuesday, March 12th. The voting location for the Friend residence at is: .

This is an important election, especially for voters who are fiscally conservative! There is a huge difference between my opponent and me on issues of taxes and spending!

My chief opponent, Todd Weaver gave:

  • $4,500 to socialist Bernie Sanders.
  • $2,000 to Alan Grayson.
  • $1,800 more to tax and spend liberals like Elizabeth Warren through his donations to Super PAC ActBlue.

I am the only conservative in the race for Winter Park City Commission Seat 4. I have a proven record of reasoned leadership over twelve years of volunteer service to Winter Park.

  • I made the motion to reduce the property tax millage rate each of my three years in office to counter tax increases due to appreciating home values. I did not win enough votes to change it.
  • I fought for homeowners by reforming our tree fine code, which could cost you over $6,000 to remove a tree in your yard.  Now, if you’re expanding your home or adding a pool, you can plant replacement trees in lieu of the fines. (Weaver attacked me for this success!)
  • I successfully fought for homeowners’ rights, reversing a 2015 law that enabled neighbors to force “Historic” status on your home without your approval, which would have required you to get permission to change the exterior of your home from an appointed board.  That’s too much “big brother.”

I have led on many important strategic initiatives as a volunteer and as your city commissioner.

  • Successfully led the effort to get rid of large apartment zoning in Winter Park.
  • Helped initiate our Forestry Management program for street trees beginning in 2007.
  • Have kept our electric underground funding at the maximum level to speed the process.
  • Successfully led the effort to build unrestricted city financial reserves, which increased from $8 million in 2016 to an expected $14 million by October 2019.
  • Voted to purchase 55 acres of new green space, supported with a $2 million state grant for improvements.
  • Voted for a new wholesale power agreement that will mean over $2 million per year in savings that can be used to accelerate undergrounding beginning January 2020.




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Paid by Pete Weldon for Winter Park Commission, Seat 4, non-partisan.