Subject: NEW POST: Improving Winter Park Historic Preservation

Fellow Winter Park Residents.

Please pass this on to friends and neighbors.

NEW POST: Improving Winter Park Historic Preservation

As I have noted in previous writing (here and here), historic preservation policy for private properties in Winter Park needs to offer meaningful incentives and be less threatening to encourage voluntary participation.

Current policy and the proposed draft both compel private owners into compliance with a deeply flawed "historic district" policy. Current policy requires a 67% vote of neighbors to compel participation of 100% of properties within a proposed district. The draft policy proposes to reduce this threshold to 50% resulting in even more likely neighborhood fights and related legal action. When a critical mass of our 8,500 single family property owners find out about this 50% threshold the policy will result in political push back with new people running for city commission to reverse such a policy if enacted. There is no value in neighborhood fights, legal battles, or political turmoil in Winter Park.

So, what do we do to increase the quality and meaningfulness of historic preservation in Winter Park?

Here are some specific ideas... READ POST.

After reading the above post I encourage you to share your thoughts on these issues with members of both the Historic Preservation Board and City Commission.

Regards, Pete Weldon
700 Via Lombardy
Winter Park, FL 32789
