Subject: Mayor Leary - Important Message


From: <>
Sent: Saturday, February 9, 2019 2:32 PM
Subject: FW: Politics in Winter Park have hit a new low


It seems that in every election cycle in Winter Park we speak of the character of Winter Park, and rightly so.  We also discuss the manner in which we treat one another, again, rightly so.  This is not relegated only to how we treat one another in public forums, but privately as well.

Below you will find an email from Fran Weldon, wife of candidate Pete Weldon.  Fran and Pete have raised their children in Winter Park, been active in Winter Park and across Central Florida contributing to many organizations that have added to our quality of life over the past few decades.

Fran’s email is in response to an ugly email (also below) that was sent to residents.  The original, offending email is not only factually incorrect, but also troubling in the character attacks on Pete.  That Fran had to write her note in the first place is extremely disappointing, though I believe you will agree that her response was necessary and measured in tone.

The way to maintain the character of our city is to support positive, constructive persons and to reject those that would divide us by spreading misinformation and unfounded personal attacks.

I am supporting Vice-Mayor Pete Weldon for reelection this year for many reasons, not the least of which is his ability to put emotions aside and govern based on fact.  Pete and I disagree on many issues, both small and large.  However, I appreciate Pete’s intellect, dedication and the independent thinking that he brings to the City Commission.

I hope you’ll join me in supporting Pete Weldon for City Commission.

Best – Steve

Steve Leary


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Fran Weldon <>
Date: Tue, Feb 5, 2019 at 12:02 PM
Subject: Politics in Winter Park have hit a new low

Dear Women Voters and Moms for Pete,

Politics in Winter Park have hit a new low. Please see the messages below.

Besides providing false information about Pete's position on city issues, the opponent's campaign is attacking Pete on a personal level.

I am asking you to not respond to any of these people or any of these claims. Rather, I am asking you to join me in doing something more constructive.

I have always believed in turning negatives into positives. My goal is to add names to the list of Women Leaders and Moms endorsing Pete. I welcome your help in growing the list.

If you are not already listed, and are able to help, please reply to this email with your permission to be included on the list of Women Leaders and Moms for Pete. Also, your help in recruiting others to join the list is appreciated.

This campaign should not be about misinformation and personal attacks. It should be about the facts and each candidate's priorities for Winter Park.

Thank you for your consideration and continued support.


Fran Weldon


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Fran Weldon <>
Date: Sun, Feb 3, 2019 at 2:16 PM
Subject: Disappointed
To: <>, <>

Dear Jennifer,

Below I include a copy of an email that you had apparently sent to many in Winter Park.  A mutual friend forwarded it to me, disappointed and disgusted by the content.

I was shocked and saddened to read your email that attacks my husband.  Frankly, your email borders on slander.  Pete and I have been married for over 30 years – and your assertions could not be more wrong!  I furthermore can’t believe that your candidate, whom you personally recruited, has been so devoid of character that he has been silent on your egregious comments. 

Disagreeing with our elected officials and even opposing them is to be expected.  But to get so personal and make things up with no basis in fact is not what we expect from Winter Parkers, much less from someone who once sat in the very same position as I do, the spouse of a city commissioner. 

I normally ignore gossip and criticisms, however the fact that you sent out a caustic email to so many that attempts to impugn my family’s good name, necessitated a response.

As Pete’s wife of over 30 years, I’m proud of the example he has set for our children.  Pete has always insisted that our children treat others with respect and that they demand the same in return.  Pete has always supported good people for positions of influence, regardless of gender, race, party, etc…  Furthermore, Pete has enthusiastically supported numerous women for public office, including Sarah Sprinkel locally, Mikaela Nix for state rep, Mia Love for Congress and others.  I find myself asking what your children would think if they knew of your email. 

Though you attempt to dismiss it, Pete has the direct endorsement of over 120 Winter Park women who know and support him.  Now, because of your letter, other women have asked to be added to the list!

As for being responsive to citizens, I can personally attest to Pete’s availability and responsiveness. His personal cell phone is published on the city website and I see him take calls from residents day and night.

While you are also wrong about Pete’s record on other issues, I’ll leave that for the voters decide. 

Lastly, as Mr. Weaver’s campaign manager I would like to share that we have been informed by many that have attended Mr. Weaver’s gatherings, of his personal attacks on Pete, including specific references to Pete’s sometime stutter.  Apart and in sum, these attacks are beneath the dignity of Winter Park and I ask you and Mr. Weaver, to re-examine your motives.


Fran Weldon


Bcc: Women Leaders and Moms endorsing Pete for City Commission


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jennifer Anderson <>
Date: Wednesday, January [redacted], 2019
Subject: Can you join us? Meet Todd Weaver on Monday, January 21st
To: [redacted]

Todd’s running against incumbent Pete Weldon for seat 4.  Carolyn Cooper is also running for re-election.  So far she’s unopposed — the final date to file is next Tuesday.  The election is on March 12th.  

Pete has a reputation for not listening to residents.  Even those who voted for him in the past are frustrated that he doesn’t return their calls and emails.  He’s a strong property rights advocate — which is fine.  However, he approves virtually every up-zone request from developers — which has increased building height and density dramatically. He doesn’t believe in traffic studies. 

On top of that, he’s known for being sexist.  Very rude and dismissive to women at commission meetings when they get up to speak.  Surprised he found 100 women to support him on his email.  After she won two years ago, Stephanie Murphy requested a meeting with the WP commission so they could work together on local issues. All were polite — except for Pete.  He’s rude and  enjoys mansplaining to her.  She sometimes has to explain to him that his rants are about state issues, which she doesn’t have control over at the federal level.  He immediately retreats but then attacks her on things like research to determine extent and solutions for gun violence.  

Haha...can you tell how I feel about Pete? He has anger management issues and often explodes when he’s angry.  

Todd has raised $30k from 150+ donors and Pete has raised more than that from himself and Dan Bellows and one other smaller donor.   However, last Saturday Todd had 110 volunteers canvassing for him.  There’s a lot of grassroots momentum behind him.  He’s had 48 (so far) neighborhood home gatherings for residents to meet him 

Todd is an aerospace engineer who has lived in WP for 22 years.  He’s 61 and recently retired so now has the time to run.  He’s been chair of the WP Lakes board for quite some time and is a leader in his Lake Belle community behind Ravadauge. He’s not on any “side.”  Like Phil, he wants to keep the charm in WP and isn’t interested in higher office in the future.  He truly loves our city. 

Hugs,  jen

Political advertisement paid for and approved by Pete Weldon, candidate for Winter Park City Commission Seat 4, non-partisan.