Subject: Don't Be Fooled By Todd Weaver

Vote Pete Weldon

Fellow Winter Park Voters,

Sadly, my opponent, Todd Weaver, is misleading voters about the library/event center project for political gain. His claim that "there is a better way to move forward" has no specifics, appeals only to emotions, and will cost us millions of dollars. Please share this with your neighbors.


No one wants to remove trees, but the obvious reality is that any library/event center project requires tree removals. 

  • FACT - Current plan: Planting 125 trees. Removing 51 shade trees (down from initial 63).

Todd Weaver promotes a "plan" to “store” trees without telling you the facts.

  • FACT - Todd’s “plan” would cost the city $40,000 to $50,000 per tree.
  • FACT - There is no guarantee how many trees would survive.
  • FACT - Despite his claim of private “contributions” to “save six of the best and biggest trees” (>$300,000), and his claim “a detailed plan was presented with names of the donors,” the city has NOT been provided evidence of ANY “contributions,” or any names, or detailed plans of any kind.
  • FACT - The commission UNANIMOUSLY DECLINED to pursue his plan because it simply was not feasible and too risky with no guarantees.
  • Documents: City Manager Report, Arborist Report


Library Event Center Concept

Project is On Budget: Per city staff and all professionals working on the library/event center, the project is on budget to substantially deliver the design concept presented to the citizens in November 2017. Based on all input from citizens and the professionals, the city commission approved the final design in September 2018 by a 4 to 1 vote (minutes page 5). Click for the City Manager’s most recent report. Click for the project overview.

The city has a world class partnership of professionals working on this; Adjaye Associates, HuntonBrady Architects, Brasfield & Gorrie, Pizzutti Companies, as well as city staff.

No General Taxpayer Funds: The architects are recommending several additions/improvements to the base design with an estimated cost of about $9 million. I will not vote to use any general taxpayer funds for these improvements. City staff is working on both public and private funding alternatives to make these improvements a reality.

IN CONCLUSION: Todd Weaver is using a “straw man” political strategy by creating a false narrative, stirring up emotions and then proposing a “better way” that requires a restart and redesign of the project. We have already spent about $2.3 million that would be wasted and city staff estimates a restart and redesign could cost as much as $5 million and delay the project for another year. As a reasoned person representing our residents best interest, I trust Adjaye Associates, HuntonBrady Architects, Brasfield & Gorrie, Pizzutti Companies, the library board, and our staff rather than a “do-it-yourself” engineer with no facts. You should too.

Don’t let Todd Weaver's negativity fool you. Our city has never been better for a good reason; experienced, effective leadership with a positive vision that gets results that matter.

I ask for your vote on March 12th.


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Paid by Pete Weldon for Winter Park Commission, Seat 4, non-partisan.