Subject: Don't Be Fooled By Todd Weaver

Fellow Winter Park Resident,

I received the email below from “TodTheGod” Weaver on Saturday (that is his actual email address,, yikes!).

The first sentence of Todd's website states "Winter Park is a community, not a commodity." I guess in Todd's eyes, renting out a converted garage on his property to strangers in violation of the law and being misleading about it, helps build "community."

Todd has been running an AirBNB out of his home since at least 2016 and stopped last May when he decided to run for city commission. He has attained status as an “AirBNB Super Host,” renting his place for many short term stays in violation of our laws for years.

While we can debate the role of AirBNB type rentals in Winter Park, several things are clear. A law has been on the books since the 1980s prohibiting residential rentals of less than 30 days. Todd knew about the law. He has been breaking the law, he stopped short term rentals when he decided to run for city commission this past May, and tried to cover up his law breaking by deleting his AirBNB account.

Further, he threatens legal action against me if I share this information with voters, claiming doing so would be "lying and cheating."  There is something deeply disturbing about this twisted sense of values and behavior.

The essential responsibility of a city commissioner is to uphold the law, not break the law and try to cover it up.

Both policy and character matter in Winter Park.

Regards, Pete Weldon

Weaver Threat Message

Paid Political advertisement paid for and approved by Pete Weldon, candidate for Winter Park City Commission Seat 4, non-partisan.