Subject: Wind, Waves, Wings

Wind, Waves & Wings
Wild Words Campers
Jill, Margaret, Kathy, Julie, Emmy, and Jessica.
"An adventure is an inconvenience rightly considered." 
--G.K. Chesterton

So much flurry! The wind blows, the waves crash, but my wings lift me above it all. 

This is my last week stateside before leaving for Belgium and the Netherlands where I'll be scouting new retreat sites and feeding my creative soul. But the mental flurry and physical details of the moment are a veritable storm!
It's tough leaving my routine, knowing I'll encounter storms and tiffs and inconveniences. They are a part of the adventure.
I can't stay where I am, hiding out from possibilities, hunkering down with what's familiar, so easy, so habitual. 

The homebody scaredy-cat in me says:
·      adventures are too much trouble
·      it takes so much planning to figure this out!
·      who needs all this change?
·      I'm too disorganized!
·      I'm not the right kind of person
The homebody scaredy-cat isn't my boss.

It's okay if I haven't packed perfectly or prepared pristinely. When I need something on my journey, I can find a way to get it. A little discomfort goes a long way when it comes to finding flexibility, strength, and growth.

How about you? Are you having creative adventures? Are you stretching your wings, even when there are storms?

Wild Words Camp for women is open for registration! Wheeeee! August 1-4 at the Central Oregon Coast in Florence. Early bird 'til May 6.

Wild Words Day starts with a workshop for those who'd like to immerse just for the day.

Next Clark College class is June 8-9, Saturday and Sunday, with the theme "So You Think You Can't Write." All are welcome! It's a process that renews your mindset--I highly recommend it, whether you've taken one class from me in the past, or fifteen.

Lane Community College workshops are coming - watch for them!

There's more . . . but I gotta go pack! Visit the website! Go do something fantastic and a little uncomfortable, and we'll write together soon!

I'm coming to Portland!

What can't you write? Bring it!
Wild Words Camp at the Central Oregon Coast.

(Last TWO years worth of campers are still writing - one filled her entire journal for the very first time in 2023!)
Write at the Light was amazing. More to come!

Watch Wildfire Writing for updates.
, 87808 Terrace View Drive, Florence, OR 97439, United States
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