Subject: 👽 Bigfoot, UFOs what's going on? Dr. Rick has the answers...

VIP Newsletter | July 2021 | Vol 2 Issue 7

From the desk of Dr. Rick...

The long-awaited Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena from the U.S. NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE office has finally been released. Although it still leaves more questions than answers, it acknowledges that UFO phenomena are real; they are not sure what we are seeing and are baffled by some phenomena. No longer are UFOs being dismissed merely as weather balloons, swamp gas, and whackos looking for their 15 minutes of fame. The short report of only 9 pages can be found here, Documents.

Apparently, along with all the UFO hype, a rash of Bigfoot sightings has popped up recently, some of them close to home here in Ohio. A 20 year old female reported seeing what appeared to be a large hairy biped when she left a gym in Ashland, Ohio. A researcher claims the location where the unnamed woman claimed to have seen the Sasquatch is plausible. "My hypothesis is they follow water -- creeks, streams, rivers, ridgelines and abandoned railroad beds, as well as powerline routes. Those are the same pathways followed by deer, which sasquatch are seeking," Matthew Moneymaker said. Now a California resident, Moneymaker lived in Ohio for four years in the 1990s while attending the University of Akron when he had his own Eastern Ohio Bigfoot encounter. Moneymaker founded the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization; you can find his report #69065 on the website

Ohio, over the years, has been a hotbed of sightings; the last few years have seen several reports of unidentified sasquatch-like creatures. In January of 2020, a sighting at Salt Fork State Park, and since the 1980s, 36 such sightings have been reported in the Salk Fork park area.

Regardless of where you fall on the skepticism scale, it is all a rather interesting phenomenon. If you would like to see more in the newsletter on paranormal subjects, drop me a note at

Health, Wealth, and Inner Peace. - Dr. Rick

Overcoming Guilt

Everyone makes mistakes. Some mistakes are harder to overcome than others, but nothing is unforgivable if you’re willing to ask for it. However, there is no mistake that you cannot find a way to move on from and overcome. If you’ve atoned and aren’t going to keep repeating the same mistake, you can let go of the guilt. Let’s look at ways you can overcome guilt even when you were wrong.


Accept Your Choices


Once you’ve made a decision, it’s important to stop dwelling on it. It’s done. The consequences have already become apparent, and you can do nothing to change what is over and done. You did the best you could do at the time.


Get Perspective


When you compare what you did that, you’re feeling guilty about to other things in the world; you will often figure out that the long-term effects of your mistake are hardly worth agonizing over. You may discover that your mistakes are being inflated, and in the scheme of life, it’s not going to be as important as it is right now.


Focus on The Good You Do


You’re so much more than your mistakes. What good have you contributed to the world and the lives you touch every single day? Give yourself some credit for the things in your life that you have done that are good. Don’t only focus on the things you did wrong. The truth is, you’re probably harder on yourself than anyone.

"One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles possesses the only strength which can overcome adversity."

- Albert Schweitzer

Listen to Feedback


When you have wronged someone, don’t be defensive. Listen to the feedback they give you without being defensive. One way to make up for doing something guilt worthy is to do something selfless and allow the critique without fighting back.


Apologize Sincerely and Thoroughly


Apologies help to explain how you feel when you’ve goofed as well as smooth things others when you need to make amends. For example, “I’m so sorry I was late for your event. I’d love to take you for coffee to make up for it.” More than likely your friend, in this case, is going to be very accepting and tell you to stop feeling guilty for being human. Practice apologizing in a mirror because your facial expressions and body language tell more than you realize.


Make Amends


When possible, find a way to make amends. For example, if you feel guilty about anything you’ve done, figure out what you can do to help something. You can donate to an organization that combats that issue, replace an important item for your friend, or something that helps make up for whatever it is you’re feeling guilty about.


If you have done something on a larger scale, you can still let go of the guilt by working on becoming a better person by apologizing even if you cannot really make it better, stating why what you did was wrong, and then explaining how you will not do it again and the ways in which you’ll make amends. It’ll make you feel a lot better, and you’ll find that you can let go of the guilt. No matter what happens, one thing cannot define you.


The Online Indigo Elephant Gifts is having its GRAND OPENING. To welcome all our exceptional VIP Members and celebrate the USA 4TH of JULY, we invite you to enjoy a 10% Off discount on your total order from now until July 5th. All you need do is enter the one-time VIP code VIP-Bang in the discount coupon area when you checkout. Plus, you will get FREE SHIPPING on all orders above $24.99. We have gotten great feedback on all the items we offer, so head on over now and don't miss out on the exclusive 10% Off and Free Shipping NOW!

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10 Ways to Simplify Your Life

It’s great to have a productive life; however, being busy doesn’t mean you’re productive. The best way to be more productive is to simplify your life. If you focus on making things faster, easier, and simpler, you can get even more done while reducing stress.


1.    Declutter and Organize â€“ When you are surrounded by disorganization and clutter, it can make it take much longer to get anything done. If you have a home for everything and a place to do the things you like to do, it’ll all go much more smoothly.


2.    Plan Meals â€“ Don’t leave something as important as your nutrition to chance. Instead, plan meals. When you plan meals, you can ensure that the things you make provide what you need at your skill level and within your timeline.


3.    Keep an Active Task List â€“ Before you add anything to a list, ensure that it’s a task that helps you meet a goal you’ve set. The way to do that is to create SMART goals and, from those goals, create active tasks so that on any given day, you can look at your list and know what you need to do today.

Simplicity is the Essence of Happiness

                                                                     - Cedric Bledsoe

4. Develop Habits and Routines – Willpower doesn’t work, but habits do. You can create habits by developing routines that enable you to get more done in less time. Plus, habits and routines ensure success in anything you want to accomplish from losing weight to starting a business.

5. Learn to Say No – This isn’t to say that you have to say no all the time. You can say yes anytime you want but do it mindfully. First, do you want to do it? Secondly, do you have the time and resources to do it? Third, what is the opportunity cost of saying yes or no?

6. Automate What You Can – There are many things in life now that can be fully automated, like paying bills. But there may be even more things in life that can be automated using today’s amazing technology that you should consider.

7. Outsource What You Can’t Automate – You can also outsource by giving chores and tasks to the rest of your family or by hiring someone. For example, you can hire someone to clean your home, care for your kids, and even shop and cook dinner.

8. Let Go of Anything Toxic– Something is toxic if it will not change, and you do not have control over whether it will change or not. If the buck doesn’t stop with you, let go of them or it so that you can move on and live a peaceful, happy, successful life.

9. Focus on Gratitude – The more ways you can focus on what you have that is good in your life, the better you’ll be able to enjoy everything else. This feeling of satisfaction will simplify your life because it will reduce drama.

10. Stop Trying to Multitask – The truth is, no one really can multitask that well. You’ll find that you enjoy things more if you focus 100 percent instead of splitting your time.

Having a simplified life doesn’t mean having a boring life or an unproductive life. In fact, if you focus on how you can make things easy for yourself (and others), you’ll soon find that you have a lot more happiness and satisfaction in your life.

How to Train Your Subconscious Mind to Help You Succeed

Your subconscious mind is a guiding force in your life that if you feed it well, it will help you push yourself toward success. The subconscious mind is always thinking even if you’re not totally aware of it at the time. It controls your automatic bodily functions and responds to what your conscious mind is telling it. To train your subconscious mind, you’ll need to be conscious about what you’re putting into your brain.

Visualize What You Want

You can use many methods for visualizing what you want, but the criteria should be that the vision needs to be very specific so that it’s complete. It’s a visualization so go for your most high pie in the sky ideal for the life you want to live. Put it down on paper, or on your computer, make it look realistic so that you can really believe it’s going to happen.

Set Goals Based on Your Vision

Once you have a vision of the complete picture of what you want, it’s time to set goals based on your vision. This is also a good time to fill out your vision more by using SMART goal setting techniques.

Meditate Daily

Once you have the vision and your goals set, take time to really solidify that in your mind by meditating and imaging your vision on a daily basis. While the goal of meditation is to empty your mind, everyone thinks about something at first, think about your vision in the most positive way possible and the steps you will take to get there.

Practice Positive Affirmations Daily

One of the best ways to give yourself motivation is to practice positive, daily affirmations. You can make these specific to your vision and your goals that you want to achieve. If you set a goal to stop smoking, for example, you might create a positive affirmation that says, “I’m a non-smoker and I feel fabulous.”

Practice Positive Self-Talk

Everyone has a negative Nancy inside their head that needs to be dealt with. The best way to deal with her is to turn every negative thought into a positive or neutral thought – if the thought is not negative, it can do wonders for your subconscious mind and vastly improve your mindset.

Focus on Gratitude

Each day take the time to be thankful for something. Even in the bad times, there is always something to be grateful about such as being able to be alive. Find the things that make you feel grateful and focus on those.

Act as If

When you want to achieve something, a powerful way to force your subconscious into submission is to act as if it’s already true. Want to be a nonsmoker, announce that you are and be a nonsmoker. It really is that simple in most areas of life.

You really can create the reality that you want to live by simply training your subconscious mind to be goal-focused, positively aligned, and confidently centered on the actions it takes for you to get to the goals you set.

Our next public event for 2021 will be SATURDAY AT 9 AM EST.

Tiffin Flea Market

July 3 - 4 Sat 9AM - 4PM Sun 9AM - 3PM

Old Merchant Build Row D -12-13

Seneca County Fairgrounds Tiffin Ohio

Good Ole Summertime Festival, North Baltimore, Ohio

Downtown Street Fair

July 31 9AM till 8PM

Northwest Ohio Antique Machinery Association Show 

Findlay, Ohio Fairgrounds

August 5 - 8 (Hours vary check website)

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