Subject: Two New "How Do I" Videos Released - #BIDANews

Dear Friend,

Thank you for being on our Newsletter email list!

We really appreciate you!

We have been a bit quiet because we have been busy.

I will be sending out some newsletters about new developments over the next few days.

However, today I just wanted to let you know we have two new "How Do I" videos published.

We have back dated them just to fit them into the numbering sequence.

These two How Do I videos relate to creating headers and power pivot tables in Excel when the data is coming from Meta5.

We see Meta5 as "The Window To Your Data World".

We have some major innovations we have created in the area of "direct query" that we will be sharing more widely.

The two blog posts for How Do I show small snippets so that people can easily understand how to send data into Excel.

Meta5 prepares and sends data into Excel better than anything else we are aware of. 

We see helping the 300 million Excel 365 users make better user of Excel as a great win win situation.

The two blog posts are called:
HD0008 – How Do I Create Excel Headers
HD0009How Do I Create Excel Power Pivot Tables

These show you short cuts we have found to create the headers and power pivot tables in Excel.

The links are below. 

Best Regards

Mihai Neacsu
Business Development Manager
Business Intelligence? DA!
Business Intelligence DA, Splaiul Independentei 273, 060042, Bucharest, Romania
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