Subject: [Workshop] Who Do I Want To Be?

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Not a week flashes by without the release of another study into why 40-ish women are so exhausted and over it. If we’re not having a modern midlife crisis or drowning with the mental load, we’re squeezed by the sandwiched needs of those around us until we can barely breathe.

Women are floundering.

Our attention is fragmented by endless online and offline demands. When we do put our feet up to relax, it’s all we can do to actually pick a TV show instead of scrolling through endless trailers and previews until we’re too tired to watch anything.

What we’d love to do is escape. For months.

We’d love to ‘find ourselves’ — maybe in Tuscany or on some remote island … Anywhere, so long as there isn’t a person tugging on our sleeves or knocking on our office doors, or phoning or messaging or emailing us wanting more than we have to give.

It would be nice to have a dedicated time and space to remember who we are, what we love, and what we really want for the next few years, instead of constantly having to think about keeping everyone else happy.

Here’s a question for you:
Who do you want to be when you grow up?
Not ‘what’ but ‘who’?

What’s on your bucket list? And what are you ditching to make it happen?

How do you cope when bad things strike out of nowhere and life implodes a little (or a lot)?

How do you bounce back from disappointment or failure?

What are you making time for, and what are you excluding? What’s the impact of those choices on your happiness levels?

We’ll be discussing these things and more during an evening workshop on 9 May in the Margaret Whitlam Pavilion at the Arboretum in Canberra.

This is a workshop for women who know they want more, but can’t necessarily express exactly what ‘more’ might look like. Or they can’t find the time or the energy to make much-desired changes happen.

It’s for women who need a little reinvention in their lives, starting right where they are, with what they have, supported by people who really get that this self-development thing is imperfect and challenging but so worth it when things finally fall into place a little more like the way you imagine.
Limited places - Only 25 tickets available
Early Bird rate ends soon
Our beautiful venue will only comfortably cater for a group of 25, and our Early Bird rate ends soon! Click here for further information about the workshop and to register.

Life’s hard. Let’s make it easier, and deeper and learn how to flourish here, where we’ve been planted — where things are wild and overgrown but striving for light.

Let’s reinvent ourselves, one step at a time. 
Emma and Audrey x

PS Scrolled here for the workshop link? Here it is!

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, 5095, Mawson Lakes, Australia
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