Subject: What if life fell spectacularly together?

One of our favourite literary and screen heroines is Bridget Jones, who quoted her mum as saying ‘when one part of your life falls into place, the rest falls spectacularly to pieces’. But we’ve noticed the opposite can be true.

One area that we’ve both been focused on this year is our health. We’ve taken consistent, measurable steps to increase our wellbeing. As a result, we’ve both lost several dress sizes, increased our energy and fitness and found new confidence and joy just being alive and well.

What’s really been interesting has been the flow-on effect. With more vitality, we’re more active in nature. Being active in nature has a positive impact on mental health. With stronger mental health, we’ve got more energy to work around the house. When we’re on top of the housework, we’ve got more physical and mental energy for work. With more work, our financial situation improves and we feel more secure. Feeling more secure, we sleep better … and on and on it goes.

We’re giving you an opportunity to experience a full month of Fast Forward Coaching with us for free! Understand the power of radical accountability. Take the first few steps to transformation you can unfold across all the important areas of your life. 

From one of free 30-day challenge clients ...

"I would love to keep working with you and really
looking forward to taking this leap forward."

There are just a few spots left. Apply here.

Any questions, hit reply and we’re here to help.

All the best

Emma & Emma x

PS Curious about how our individual coaching could work for you? Check out all the details of our free 30-day challenge offer here.

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, 5095, Mawson Lakes, Australia
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