Subject: Stay-at-Home Easter Scavenger Hunt from My 15 Minutes

Stay-at-Home Easter Scavenger Hunt!
We’re challenging you to stay home and make your own fun over the next few days. Here’s the checklist (and we've also attached a printable version for you too).


1. Something to read
Grab something from your own bookshelves (or download an eBook). Give yourself a couple of phone-free hours and a cuppa and see how you go.

2. Something to watch
It might feel like you’ve finished Netflix, but there’s TONNES of great content being streamed all over the shop, including several movies brought forward that will miss their cinema showings. Escape to another world.

3. Something to cook
What about an old favourite from your childhood? Anyone for Lemon Lattice Slice? Comfort baking is in and this is the long weekend to do it.

4. Something physical to do
Walk, bike-ride, skate, online workout, bring-a-friend Zoom dance party to 70s disco hits …

5. Someone to video call
We’ve been using Facetime and Zoom for years, but the desire to SEE PEOPLE in our catch-ups with friends is suddenly front and centre. Get that face-to-face contact you may be missing.

6. Something to organise
Cutlery drawer, fridge, bathroom cupboard, wallet. Doesn’t have to be huge. Just organise one tiny corner of your life, so next time you go there or reach for it you’ll say, ‘Ahhhh …’

7. Something to photograph
Actively look for interesting, quirky, beautiful things to capture while you’re out walking or in the home. Brighten others’ days by posting a pic somewhere or messaging it to a friend.

8. Something to clean
Look, we’re not advocating a weekend spent cleaning the house (unless that floats your boat). But pick some little corner somewhere that you can make your own and just make it nice. Clean your bedside table or the bathroom vanity or sweep your doorstep.

9. Somewhere to walk
Do you always tread the same path when you walk from home? Go the other way, or cut through different streets. Play different music or a new podcast. Go at a different time from usual.

10. Something to play
Could be a game, could be the piano, could be an online challenge, could be a jigsaw puzzle or charades or cards or video games.

11. Someone to thank
Quick message, call, email or acknowledgement for someone’s efforts keeping your world turning.

12. Something to dance to
This could be ONE song, just once. Or a longer kitchen dance party … There are plenty of free dance tutorials online, too. Or learn a family TikTok.

13. Something to listen to
Find a new podcast, or ask friends for recommendations. Whatever your interest area, there’ll be one …

14. Something to buy
Support a local business this Easter by purchasing something online or in person (social distancing observed). Cup of coffee, takeaway meal, groceries from a small independent, books, gifts …

15. Some way to pay it forward
When you’re buying that coffee, buy two. Pay for the drive-through order of the customer behind you. Give a small business payment for something as a gift for a stranger.
When you’re buying that coffee, buy two. Pay for the drive-through order of the customer behind you. Give a small business payment for something as a gift for a stranger.

With love to you and your families this Easter.

Audrey & Emma x

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, 5095, Mawson Lakes, Australia
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